Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [prep] being [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It means that um particularly in therapy it can be very difficult later on because things that we would ordinarily consider to be supportive like being kind , like erm y'know kind of putting a comforting arm round somebody 's shoulders , like erm y'know ways in which people express support and affection for each-other ah are very very difficult for the survivor to accept because they 're sort of the part of the way in which she , and it usually is a she , has been abused in the past .
2 Put him in a coach now and by morning Russell might be used to being close to white people again .
3 The major inhibitions to this process are a natural reserve , the fact that people may not be used to being open about their feelings , a lack of trust caused by limited understanding and , finally , reserve brought about by the relative status of team members , personality and gender issues and a lack of training .
4 Understanding this connection between the form and the function of language will help us to explain how stretches of language , like the request for help with the cat , can be coherent without being cohesive ; it will also help us as language teachers .
5 Understanding this connection between the form and the function of language will help us to explain how stretches of language , like the request for help with the cat , can be coherent without being cohesive ; it will also help us as language teachers .
6 Do n't filter them out because they seem silly , and do n't be afraid of being wrong .
7 But I expect that will suit you , since you seem to be afraid of being alone with me . ’
8 Surely she could n't suddenly be afraid of being alone ?
9 These producer 's lives are not easy though : not only is there a constant pressure on TV bosses to axe unprofitable baby programmes , but their lives are a constant struggle to be simple without being simple-minded , to give information without being dull , and to work in one of the most sophisticated media ever invented without losing that childlike sense of wonder .
10 ( If her son enters when he is a few years older , he will surely be unique in being able to say he has been taking part since before he was born . )
11 Leaders in many contexts can be effective without being visionary , and their organizations may be happier places .
12 Taxation can be redistributive without being progressive .
13 Somehow he thinks it remote from morality to face the facts ; somehow he thinks it possible to be good without being wise .
14 G. To be successful farmers need to be sure of being able to sell their outputs at reasonable prices .
15 For the Spirit 's work in assurance is to give us a firm foundation to build on , not to make us arrogant ; the ‘ already ’ and the ‘ not yet ’ of the Spirit 's internal witness enable us to be sure without being cocksure .
16 For all their disappointment , they would be proud of being involved in an epic Test first time out .
17 doing more to get people to be proud of being bald than you are ?
18 I ask that this impudent remark can only be far from being dilatory , we are being diligent in safeguarding the environment of and the quality of life of the people , and we are not merely interested in financial gain .
19 We did everything we could to encourage her to be pleased with being brown .
20 He had designed the first ‘ luxury ’ cinemas in the land , the most famous of which was the Regent in Brighton , showing that you could be lavish without being vulgar .
21 Unlike Hegel , Marx believed that under advanced communism everybody would be capable of being multi-faceted , thoroughly rounded individuals , realizing their essence through creative labour .
22 I know of someone who took in an old lady and she turned out to be well-known for being difficult .
23 Do n't be frightened of being dramatic .
24 You can be smart without being clever .
25 ‘ Though , of course , he added , ‘ a thing may be original without being good . ’
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