Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [pron] [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Now the purpose of relying on a rights- based argument is frequently to claim an entitlement to act irrespective of the consequences for others , and so if the idea of rights is to be coherent we must accept that a freedom to act in the face of at least some adverse social outcomes is entailed .
2 If the overlap were to be complete we would have perfect communication : both parties would have identical perceptions and whatever happened in one bubble would happen in the other .
3 If we wish them to be strong we should bring the notes close together .
4 Well I think it would be a change it 's when they 're when they 're when they 're jacket would be wet they would have another
5 Do you not agree that if God ever did say Let there be light he must have been over Norfolk at the time ? ’
6 Simply because Japan appears to be different we should guard against reversing the image by suggesting that none of the standard elements of Japanese work practices is present in the West , and that workplace conflict is rare in Japan .
7 on that I think 's gon na be interesting I 'll say oh well I 'd like
8 They 'd be afraid they 'd have to deal with me again . ’
9 He might have thought he had said too much on Friday , buying the umbrella specially and walking arm in arm with her , and be afraid she would think he had meant more than he had .
10 But I would be afraid you might die .
11 I do n't well I could be wrong she might do it on the spot .
12 He wrote an exposition of Jesus ' saying to the rich young ruler that to be perfect he must sell all .
13 No , nine o'clock should be perfect I would think .
14 Ideally , to be honest I would like a diamorphine maintenance course , but I do n't know if that 's possible these days to pick up a prescription once or twice a week and be able to do it that way instead of having the hassle of having to go on the street .
15 Well to be honest I can understand why he 's not asking them .
16 It was a pathetic spectacle and to be honest I must confess to being more than a little annoyed at being trapped in a railway carriage and forced to listen to this poor soul lurching nearer to a grave in the gutter .
17 Well if you we if you knew you were gon na be sick you could have made it a bit more a different colour than that !
18 Unauthorised disclosure to the media is no longer described as a ‘ potentially serious breach of contract ’ ( see Lancet Oct 24 , 1992 , p 1031 , and Nov 21 , p 1277 for draft guidance ) , but the new advice says that if such disclosure is judged to be unjustified it could result in disciplinary action .
19 And Lydia said , ‘ If you 're going to be rude you can bugger off . ’
20 If he did n't get this across to her properly and she chose to be obstructive she could make so many complications that the very project could be damaged .
21 Er , it 's not in my nature to be authoritarian with my students but if I could be authoritarian I would say look , you 're not allowed to use that word , and if you do you 've got ta pay a pound .
22 yes , that 's the money supply and measures , the measures of money supply I 'm sure you 'll be okay you should beat what I got anyway , cos I saw it sort of cold I could see you were put into shits of boredom , they go totally over the top most of the time my parents
23 If exercise is to be effective it must become as natural to us as breathing , eating , or cleaning our teeth .
24 And you , Rose , if you want to be useful you may keep everyone away , run any errands I may require , and take over from , or help McAllister , when I tell you to .
25 well but the important thing is she 's engaged to be married I would reckon by the time she 's about twenty-six she 'll be looking for time out to have a family but by that time hopefully she 's and when she 's thirty-two or thirty-three can come back into the business and say I 've got a and the door opens that much more easily
26 It 's certainly something of a treat to have three such delectable instruments to look at , and so in an attempt to be logical I 'll examine the T4-SB four string first , then the five and the six last .
27 The cure of the part should not be attempted without treatment of the whole , and also no attempt should be made to cure the body without the soul , and therefore if the head and body are to be well you must begin by curing the mind : that is the first thing … .
28 Now if you come to Caldmore , you 'll find out then that the majority of the married ladies had worked in I mean I should say that erm I know my mother was very snooty she 'd been an apprentice to some dressmakers in Street and work for one year for nothing she always used to tell me , and she was quite er toffee- nosed about these girls that used that er that used to go , well they were very respectable people , and when I was a kid when I growing up in my teens a lot of the girls I used to know were in the offices at er it they employed about fifteen hundred people at in those days you know I mean coming out of at night it was fighting your way against the crowd if you were going towards it , and the same thing going through the square for people who have worked in when they left that 's why all those shops in the square used to do reasonably well , it was the people walking through to go up the other side of Walsall , but there was a crowd of people I can , I can always remember as a kid a crowd of people and then there 'd be well you can tell it was along Street in those days I can remember fruiters ' carts where the girls used to go and buy apples , and that all sort of going along there you know people used to wait for them coming out , these are my impressions as a kid I mean I can remember the , the er and the men of course were cutters and various people and a quite a lot of my father 's friends were , were er had er skilled jobs at as cutters and managers of the cutters ' department and that sort of thing .
29 Would be Well you can see them pipes .
30 The administrator will have certain material to hand ; if this is felt to be inadequate he will search further .
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