Example sentences of "[be] [conj] [pron] [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 I mean it may well be that we have in this country we have erm pretty much Mill 's system because MPs get paid relatively little bearing in mind what most of them could be getting elsewhere , so maybe we 've got something like Mill 's system but it strikes us as rather a bizarre suggestion that MPs should n't be paid to prevent adventurous and lower classes becoming MPs .
2 An alternative to thinking that Harald had been in England since 1016 , and returned to Denmark with part of a disbanded fleet in 1018 , might be that he had in the interval been expelled from it , and sailed with the fleet in 1018 in an attempt to regain control .
3 The behaviourists ' answer would be that I have in the past been reinforced by coffee when I have gone to C , but not when I have gone to B. This could well be correct .
4 Forgetting the past is obviously not the positive action it ought to be if it results in waves of violence towards anyone perceived as not sufficiently ‘ German ’ .
5 According to this , we can best assess the intrinsic value of something if we ask how good or bad a thing it would be if it existed in complete isolation .
6 You will therefore need to know what the value of your pension would be if you stay in SERPS or your company scheme , whichever is applicable .
7 But without your support and your demonstrations and support from whites in other countries with the rugby demonstrations , the cricket , with all aspects that you 've done , you 've also contributed to making it easier for us to be the kind of people we would like to be and I hope in that way we therefore do share as a family and then try and create one world .
8 I think that people have got to turn in the other direction , and really want to be because I see in schools there are
9 Lindsay Philpott , the Tory , is said to be at an even greater disadvantage than he would otherwise be because he lives in Cardiff .
10 At some point or other , though Jack has never discussed the possibility in public , he appears to have suspected that all might not be as it seemed in the Nicholson household .
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