Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [adj] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Yes , housing benefit will be an element of the total package , but will not be for the whole cost of care and will not be wholly additional to current rates of care .
2 The intelligence , by which alone such subjects were supposed to be understood , was thought to be wholly distinct from other , lower , faculties .
3 No system in the world can be wholly immune to bad weather conditions , but there are always lessons to be learnt .
4 At present , most of the possible Zechstein accumulations would not be economically attractive in offshore situations , where the minimum size of field that can be commercially developed is about 100 Bcf .
5 Those who were educated prior to the mid-1970s may well believe that history has little to contribute to education in the 1990s because they believe it still to be predominantly concerned with narrative chronology with much copying down of dictated notes .
6 The hon. Member for Birkenhead ( Mr. Field ) , in ’ The Minimum Wage — Its Potential and Dangers ’ , which was published in 1984 , said : ’ The employment consequences will be little short of disastrous . ’
7 In the LFAs , grants would be additionally available to part-time farmers .
8 They are already present in early Cambrian rocks and are still with us today , although living brachiopods tend to be rather inconspicuous in shallow waters .
9 Most of the rain will be light and patchy , though , and generally it 'll be rather hazy with increasing hill fog .
10 ‘ Scots do tend to be rather inhibited about interior design , ’ she acknowledges .
11 Opened by the four Labour-controlled local authorities of South Yorkshire in 1978 , the College was deliberately intended to be rather different from existing residential colleges .
12 It is also intended that the finished corpus should be widely available for linguistic research .
13 Third and finally , spillovers may be most extensive in high R&D sectors simply because firms may have to do extensive R&D on their own in order to benefit from the knowledge which spills over from rivals ' efforts .
14 It is also a question of equity , both within the current generation — poor inner-city children may be most vulnerable to arrested development caused by inhaling lead-polluted air — and across generations .
15 The most likely explanation is that the factors determining breeding success in males and females tend to be most similar in monogamous species and most different in highly polygynous ones .
16 In November 1978 , DATEC issued further proposals in which it affirmed its philosophy that colleges should have the maximum opportunity to develop courses which they consider to be most appropriate to educational , commercial and professional needs as they are able to identify and define them .
17 We can confine ourselves to models of the random coil , as this is usually believed to be most appropriate for synthetic polymers ; other models — rods , discs , spheres , spheroids — are also postulated , but need not concern us at this level .
18 In other words , it will be those that do just what the grumblers demand — cutting imports , using local suppliers , doing R&D on the spot — that will be most threatening to General Motors , Ford , Volkswagen , Peugeot and Fiat .
19 As no great lover of period instruments for Beethoven sonatas , I anticipated that it would be in the second in D minor ( the only one of the three to betray the darkness from which it grew in 1802 ) that I would be most aware of limited powers of expression .
20 Is my right hon. Friend aware that his announcement about vertically launched Sea Wolf will be most welcome to British Aerospace in Bristol ?
21 Wool-sucking seems to be most common among young cats that have been orphaned or have for some other reason been deprived of the maternal nipple too soon .
22 On this level of mere temperamental affinity ( not considering its truth or falsehood ) we feel Lewis to be a man who would be most happy in Christian garb .
23 In custodial terms , even a successful simulation exercise does no more than transfer the operational persona of an historic early machine to a currently supportable platform ( typically a 486-based PC ) which will itself be duly subject to generational obsolescence : the potential of the technique lies not in the immortality of current hardware but in the prospect of machine-independent software .
24 Because we are international , and operate across the world , we have to be keenly aware of economic change and budgeting policies world wide .
25 The Institute 's main concern is that the new entities should be expressly subject to national legislation governing the activity undertaken .
26 A single computer may be constantly available alongside other resources as a reference tool , or for some simulations .
27 Further complications are created by the fact that secret explicit collusion may be observationally equivalent to tacit collusion given surveillance methods constrained by considerations of ‘ liberty and justice ’ .
28 Using an author 's view of what he considers a ‘ derived ’ publication may also be somewhat open to subjective interpretation , because some authors will want to suggest different degrees of derivation than others , whereas using a published bibliography ought , in theory , to be more objective , provided one can be sure of one 's identification .
29 Never again was it to be so easy for blunt common sense , which knew in any case that the triumphant world of liberal capitalist progress was the best of all possible worlds , to mobilise the universe on behalf of its prejudices .
30 But with the return to economic growth in Canada , keeping down oil imports will not be so easy despite conservation gains and efficiency improvements .
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