Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [adj] [coord] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He also seemed to be rather boastful and above himself .
2 Diarrhoea after cholecystectomy is a well recognised factor but is usually considered to be rather rare and to be caused sometimes by bile acid malabsorption of obscure origin .
3 Debenhams probably , but the John Lewis 's were excellent , and some some of them were tin and I do wonder if you 're eating on your lap a tin tray might be rather cold but on the other hand , you let the heat from the plate through to your poor little legs .
4 ‘ Many companies , however successful , tend to be somewhat inbred and for this reason people often welcome an injection of new thinking into their affairs . ’
5 Well I would , I would , I would just comment that there er in profits have er have it does n't mean to say that we wo n't have some profits from our estate at Thurrock because there are other areas of land involved , but they wo n't be so substantial and for B-Sky-B I would turn to Frank .
6 To have continued to be so dependable and at the same time so exciting a batsman for so long , shows him to have been one of the greats of the game .
7 The billet has to be highly dense and of high integrity and will be used to make new kilogram mass standards .
8 Therefore corrections must be extremely small and like the localiser , what you are aiming at is a steady indication of the GP needle , rather than trying to put it dead in the centre .
9 On balance , they believe it to be a flexible enough approach to SSE to be applicable to different school circumstances , to be institutionally penetrating and to be capable of bringing about changes in schools using it .
10 It will be less polluting but at the cost of native energy sources which will be left to rot underground .
11 They also accuse Christians of pretending to be morally superior and of taking great delight in their virtue .
12 The Banks indicated to the Labour Court , at that stage , that the numbers required for this task would be approximately 700 but despite the fact that full Extended Opening Hours are now in place , the figure actually employed by the Banks falls very far short of that number .
13 Anne seemed to be scarcely listening and at a sound from her mother dashed back to her side , followed by Sarah and Mrs Bennet .
14 The rats have to turn in a certain direction in a T-maze in order not to be electrically shocked or in order to be fed .
15 For a public good-the consumption of which is defined over geographic subsets of the total population and for which the costs of providing each level of output of the good in each jurisdiction are the same for the central government or the respective local government — it will always be more efficient or at least as efficient for local government to provide the Pareto-efficient levels of output for their respective jurisdictions than for central government to provide any specified and uniform level of output across all jurisdictions .
16 Sorry I ca n't be more specific but for different Leos , the surprises will take different forms .
17 But the Senior Management Team saw him as a somewhat shy and introverted person and sought to persuade him to be more outward-looking and to be the teacher in the Art department to liaise with the Needlecraft department , a development which they were keen to see .
18 However , later on in the conversation she said they very rarely encountered juvenile offenders from grammar school , most would be educationally subnormal or at least well below average .
19 I am considered to be fairly outgoing but as a teenager I was painfully shy .
20 ‘ We can be perfectly respectable and above board . ’
21 That these may be continuing problems is evident by a study by Bauman ( 1964 ) who found partially sighted pupils to be particularly insecure and with a greater sense of loneliness when they were integrated into open education systems .
22 The effects in France may be even worse but in the context of a buoyant post-1992 European economy , and technical developments in ferry design , it seems likely that the ferry industry will be able to compete effectively for both passenger and freight traffic in an expanding market .
23 Perhaps this will increase if it can be shown , in a cost minimisation analysis , to be equally effective but of lower cost .
24 In order for most families to benefit from the types of prevention activities described , they probably need to be made available to all families on a voluntary basis , and they probably need to be relatively non-obtrusive and in essence , common .
25 In those islands where demand is relatively high the equilibrium price of the good will be relatively high and in those islands where demand is relatively low the price of the good will be relatively low .
26 The mounting must be fully secure and in a position as far out of harm 's way as possible .
27 The choice may be quite temporary and for limited purposes — using contingent loyalties as strategies for action .
28 For a typical car , the carpet will only be about 2 cm thick , and will be quite short-lived but in the few seconds it lasts before collapsing it will transfer most of its heat to the road .
29 Its loss ratio must accordingly be quite high and as the dominant UK export credit underwriter , this should not be surprising .
30 The magistrates ' decision may be either unanimous or by a majority of the bench who heard the case .
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