Example sentences of "[be] [art] [noun] for [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Well , Father , I and the other rat-catchers wondered whether St Erconwald 's could be the church for our guild fraternity ? ’
2 But if Paddy Ashdown embraced Neil Kinnock 's successor , what would be the consequences for his party and policies ?
3 There will also be the opportunity for your customers to save bottle tops for or pu or purchase heavily discounted quality goods .
4 ‘ Might that not be the motive for my request ?
5 So , when the trade barriers come down across Europe next year , what will be the implications for our fashion industry ?
6 Soon it would be the time for her evening drink : " Just the one , Gigi , do n't you think ? " she would croon when the old bird , freed from her cage , crawled up to crouch against her cheek .
7 There 's erm there 's always a tension for those of us who are parents , particularly those of us who erm send our children to the state schools , as to erm what 's in the best interests of our own particular individual child and what might be in the best interests of all the children in the area in which we live , and erm this vote was an invitation to think only , very selfishly , of what might be the situation for our children , and I 'm very glad that erm many parents in Banbury thought of children in general living in North Oxfordshire and erm realise that you ca n't just take one limb of an education service and send it off spinning into its own orbit and not expect the rest to suffer .
8 Aggie had explained to Ben what had turned out to be the reason for their invitation to tea ; and now she broke into his silence by saying , ‘ Well !
9 Intrastrand crosslinks are considered to be relatively difficult to repair ( 2 ) and this may be the reason for their marked effectiveness of cisplatin against tumours of germ cell origin ( e.g. testicular and ovarian tumors ) .
10 Certainly its thinking is complemented by a knowledge of the longer text which may be the reason for its appearing after both books of the Scale in the early printed editions .
11 That love continues , and one day will be the reason for his coming as Saviour and , yes , as Judge .
12 What is the point of arguing that justified belief is impossible , for if you were right there could be no reasons for your conclusion ?
13 More sophisticated versions argue or imply that there can be no excuse for their actions , that they have lost whatever case they had by their conduct .
14 There could be no explanation for his victory other than that there was considerable support in Unionist circles for the traditionalist positions represented by Paisley and Beattie .
15 Well , chummy , my scores are so extensive there 'd be no room for your pifling efforts .
16 She claimed that ‘ … there could be no redress for their horrible outrages in the County of Cornwall by reason of the general dread of the malice of Clemens and his lawless gang ’ .
17 If not , there can be no reason for its design and so could simply be eliminated from the scheme .
18 There would be no need for their paths to cross again .
19 The interpretation of wrestling that I treat here as ‘ accepted ’ is presented in Barthes 's own utterance as an absent speech with which he is dissenting — without its existence there would be no need for his interpretation because the meaning of ‘ wrestling ’ would not be an issue .
20 If you wish to keep the dog 's bed outside your sitting room , in the kitchen for example , you can still provide a bean bag so there will be no need for your dog to climb on the furniture .
21 ‘ Two volleys of cannon-fire will clear them away , ’ the Colonel explained , ‘ and there 'll be no need for our side to suffer any casualties .
22 Rakowski in his Jan. 27 report had stated that a new party should make a break with the PUWP 's Stalinist mentality , and announced that he would not be a candidate for its leadership .
23 That would be a surprise for your da , would n't it ?
24 A joint venture company of Mitsubishi Electric Corp and IBM Japan Ltd , AST Co — no connection with AST Research Inc — has made moves to improve its standing in the open systems world , with the opening last month of an Open Systems Technology Centre , which will be a showcase for its multivendor and systems integration strategy .
25 Your quick response in an emergency could be a life-saver for your child .
26 It was here that he made his name , carrying out the first really ambitious operation of its kind in the country , which was to be a blueprint for his ‘ Great Design ’ for the Fens .
27 She has never had a stronger string of horses and must be a runner for our Olympic team .
28 It 'll be a lot for your young people , Grant .
29 A tall , fair woman with legs as long as Julia Roberts ' , she would be a catch for his grand party .
30 I was never going to be a replacement for his wife , just a diversion , and I hope that , if he thinks of me at all , it is with the same shiver of half-remembered pleasure with which I think of him .
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