Example sentences of "[be] [adj] go [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 But of course it would be possible to go through the behavioural motions of requesting without having any of the requisite beliefs and intentions .
2 Now I 'm not gon na be prepared to go through the whole business and then find them say oh sorry you 're wrong .
3 Still it may be unfashionable to go for the majority anyway .
4 Hence representing revenues from community X by R(X) we can say : The consequence is that the group of three communities would not be willing to go for the scheme involving supply to all three , since they would not be able to come up with an agreed method of sharing the £650 .
5 Do n't be afraid to go to the police .
6 From this position he could not expect to be prominent going to the first bend , the clubhouse turn , and Shoemaker held him back in about eighth place , some four horses out from the rails , as the runners came past the stands .
7 It would not be appropriate to go through the arguments again today , but I suspect that teachers will judge the effectiveness of the pay review body not by our arguments on the Floor of the House or in Committee last year , but merely by the way in which it delivers .
8 For the first time I saw clearly that it would be impossible to go through the rest of my life with a barrier in my mind between the baby and its conception .
9 I advised my master it would be dangerous to go through the city as the Cardinal 's spies were everywhere and they might question our journey to Sheen .
10 In theory , students should always be welcome to go beyond the immediate limits of their studies , and ‘ read round their subject ’ .
11 But if you 're receiving money it would be better to go for the lump sum .
12 I mean I think that 's why in way it , it would be good to go outside the religious context , because then you 'll come up er y you er you know you 'll meet people who have a er a rather different motivation
13 You 'd be stupid to go across the stepping stones if you did n't have the power to jump from one to the other , pretty big , but the , so are the distances between them and at that time of the year the river was pretty high too and r rather boisterous , so it would n't be very pleasant if you had fallen in , but you 've got to have that but you 've also got to have stamina as you said , but it would n't have been any fun if you 'd got halfway across and your stamina had run out , then fire brigade called out , the fire brigade or something .
14 If you are not satisfied with the reply , the trade union or professional association to which your parent belongs may be able to go into the matter further .
15 We should be able to go into the big houses and let the gentry know that we are honest , that 's the only way they 'll give us their business .
16 ‘ Especially when I was shutting myself away until two or three in the morning , so that I was absolutely certain that I was going to be able to go into the studio a few hours later and deliver something that was believable and complete . ’
17 what will you do , be able to go into the hotel to make your butties into your room and do it , or
18 Training alone has never bothered me at all , but it 's nice to be able to go down the pub for a good chinwag after a session . ’
19 A girl of seventeen should be able to go to the doctor 's without someone to hold her hand . ’
20 ‘ Will he be able to go to the same school as his brothers and sisters ? ’ or ‘ Will she be able to speak like other boys and girls when she is older ? ’
21 They would then be able to go to the City on their own , and not Thornton 's , terms .
22 You 've got a pensioner employee er a pensioner trustee on there and they 're not looking over their shoulder for their job , they are going to do the job of a trustee and watch the funds , and they would then be able to go to the regulator if they saw something that was amiss .
23 Erm I mean just going very , very briefly back to the question that you asked erm about this how would you stop what 's happen happening is by having , we would have thought a pensioner trustee , because even the question has been asked how did it get through the union trustees , and the answer that most of them are employed and they are looking over their shoulder because jobs are going , redundancies are being made , you 've got a pensioner employee er a pensioner trustee on there , and they 're not looking over their shoulder for their job , they are going to do the job of a trustee and watch the fund and they would then be able to go to the regulator if they saw something that was amiss , but if somebody is employed by the firm might be very worried about doing because they 're more bothered about keeping their job .
24 And you wo n't be able to go to the F S A anyway cos you 're on your course .
25 Er , I make the point I think that , erm , we should oppose the er , Deregulation Bill if it 's based on providing deregulation by Ministers , because I think that 's a constitutional point that is of great import , but the , the rest of it erm , are really sets of principles that I hope you 'd agree to , subject to amen amendment and dis discussion , because the information that we got is that the consultation period is going to be very tight indeed , and that it might not be able to go through the normal committee procedures in order to put things through erm , with er , proposals in that , er , in that respect .
26 Oh I meant to switch me pump off , no , still I think it 'll be alright cos there 's water in the erm , in the pond is alright , just wo n't be able to go through the waterfall
27 If you have a large bill which you can not pay you may be able to go on the fuel direct scheme and deductions will be made from your benefit each week to pay for your current fuel consumption and any arrears .
28 If she could find somewhere dry , she would be able to go on the offensive .
29 well , erm tis n't , she 's not , she wants the W R A F and nothing else and Sue said you ca n't be like that , you know , and er , so they 've decided that she 's got ta carry on with this Saturday job because she wo n't be able to go on the dole look , straight away will she ?
30 And he said you 'll be able to go round the roundabout then I the flaming things !
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