Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [prep] [adj] way " in BNC.

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1 If this is a correct analysis of the situation , the consequences for our disciplines may be far-reaching in unexpected ways which are only just beginning to be noticed .
2 There is no simple kind of sexual liberation possible which will eradicate the neuroses caused by sexual repression without , at the same time , producing social changes , only some of which may be controllable in rational ways .
3 I 'll be generous in other ways — I 'll even put my intentions in writing if that will help persuade you of my sincerity .
4 That 's what I 'd have been doing if I had been there so you 're not so different from me Peter , so you might have , you might be different in other ways John , but I 've got that weakness as well .
5 By changing the experimental conditions , social psychologists are not really exposing the instability of the child 's fear but are causing the child to be afraid in different ways .
6 He might be pretentious in other ways , but he was not posing at the keyboard .
7 GOOD drawing ability used to be considered important at school , not only as a skill that might give expression to a child 's aesthetic and artistic inclinations , but also one that would be useful in practical ways — in recording flora and fauna in nature study , for example .
8 ‘ Apart from anything else , I may be useful in practical ways .
9 Finally , there are books which have information about many different kinds of topic , and which can often turn out to be useful in unpredictable ways .
10 ‘ That 's what the media 's for : to be useful in positive ways .
11 To be useful in positive ways to raise the public 's consciousness .
12 As Working Paper 43 stressed , the work of the library resource centre requires different skills , but these skills may be present in different ways in different individuals ; many people can learn and practice at least two .
13 This is indicative of a more general dissatisfaction with the conventions of the realist novel which takes character as its focal point , and Brooke-Rose 's disenchantment with realism began to be apparent in other ways as well .
14 Records in all media are subject to the disruption or destruction of provenance that can result , but perhaps electronic records are particularly vulnerable as a change in organisation may result in automatic change of office systems which may or may not be compatible in differing ways with the system which created the record .
15 Such calls are usually of an offensive sexual nature , e.g. heavy breathers and also come under point 3 , but could be offensive in other ways , e.g. telling a woman that her dead husband was having an affair , was homosexual or had a criminal record etc .
16 The loss of key staff can be expensive in other ways too — their contracts may well provide for more costly redundancy provisions than for junior employees .
17 Because food additives are so important in hyperkinetic syndrome , you need to be aware of other ways in which they can be consumed .
18 Research enables people to be aware of different ways of conceiving of the familiar world and , if they act on the new conception , to alter or extend their customary ideas and practices .
19 Families of the same size and income have roughly similar functional requirements ; having established these basic and essentially ‘ objective ’ requirements , however , it is obvious that they can be satisfied in different ways and styles .
20 Then we may say that ( 59 ) and ( 60 ) are L-tensed , but M-tenseless and non-deictic ( although they may be non-deictic in different ways ; see Lyons , 1977a : 680 ) .
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