Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [prep] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 However , even a North-East service run from Leeds would be preferable to one based in Manchester .
2 Mr and Mrs Chambers were more like proxy parents than servants ; they might be upset at his sending back so much food .
3 we will pay them for a start , that 's that 's the that 's the trouble with a lot other companies and er it would n't be professional of me to mention names , but let me tell you that er that 's one thing we do make sure that people erm get their money when when they 've earned it .
4 Save The Children Fund and children throughout the world have every reason to be grateful for her unstinting efforts .
5 The football world is a completely different world even it 's different to what people would be used to you know here .
6 Course they must be used to it doing it must n't they ?
7 It would not be right for me to say that he was wrongly ennobled , because I know too little about him to be able to detect whatever surprising quality it was that commended itself to Harold Wilson for admission to the House of Lords .
8 I shall discuss with my right hon. Friend whether it would be right for me to arrange a debate next week , as the hon. Gentleman suggests .
9 If I judge that the agreement is not in the interests of this country , it would not be right for me to sign it and I will not sign it .
10 I guess it would n't be right for me to differ with him .
11 But Graham refused to single out Wright for special condemnation after a stormy game featuring five bookings , saying : ‘ It would not be right for me to focus on just one player .
12 ‘ She told me it would n't be right for him to work , her mother said .
13 ‘ Yes , ’ she agreed , though while she felt it would not be right for her to question him about his employer , she could see no reason — since he must be aware of the contents of Ven Gajdusek 's desk diary — for not mentioning , ‘ I came here specifically to interview Mr Gajdusek last Friday , but — ’
14 She said : ‘ Stop thinking like that , I 'm not going to tell you every thing that happens , because it would n't be right for you to know .
15 So the Twelve gathered all the disciples together and said , ‘ It would not be right for us to neglect the ministry of the word of God in order to wait on tables .
16 And so , ’ said Zeinab , ‘ since you do not love me , properly , not truly , not the way I love you , it would not be right for us to make love . ’
17 Well I think she could be right about it starting off as that , I do n't know .
18 This is partly because , for reasons to be discussed later , we shall be confining ourselves to a certain class of creative person , viz authors : it would therefore be presumptuous of us to extrapolate from our conclusions to other forms of originality .
19 Or to look at it another way — we are little men , we do n't know the ins and outs of the matter , there are wheels within wheels , etcetera — it wold be presumptuous of us to interfere with the designs of fate or even of kings .
20 What actually happened is that my Group said simply that our proposals for 11 to 16 year olds were built on our work for the primary stages , and that it would be absurd for us to bring out our second Report if its proposals were out of tune with the earlier attainment targets .
21 Our image of the typical newspaper reader in Britain has to be that of someone reading a tabloid , not a highbrow quality paper .
22 I write with a strong sense of the necessity of continuing our — talk , and without premeditation , under the impression that you were indeed as much struck as I was by our quite extraordinary to ask if it would be possible for me to call on you , perhaps one day next week .
23 It would be possible for me to call them all if they were to limit their speeches to 10 minutes .
24 Moreover having gone as far as this I do not believe that it would be possible for me to hold the line and refuse to answer any further questions about the composition and activities of the Committees .
25 ‘ Then — do you think it would be possible for me to take Azor for a walk ? ’
26 However , it might be possible for me to detect and summon the ship if I was taken above the atmosphere .
27 would it be possible for me to pay my half of that and the s pay the other half because I 'm not i it it 's really started to worry me and concern me a lot
28 I had no way of telling what time it was , but surely it might soon be possible for me to escape from my desert island and make my way back to the cottage and a warm bed .
29 " Would it be possible for me to meet them , monsieur ? "
30 She did not know whether it would be possible for her to continue in office , such was the damage done to her within her own ministry and her own staff .
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