Example sentences of "[be] [verb] in any [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The central ‘ pitch ’ should not , however , be altered in any way .
2 This derives from the long established principle that the risk to which a guarantor is exposed can not be altered in any material way without his prior consent .
3 I hope that I did not give the impression that a Bill could be amended in any way at all as that is not so .
4 Now then I was going to ask one simple question and that is , has anyone thought about keep sending postcards to people , er if the , erm reply is going to be delayed in any way , because at least then the person if there 's sufficiently good reference will be able to , phone up and say look you know , yes I 'm not happy , it seems to me that that would be a way forward on that , erm .
5 But they will take into account the need for that balance that says that social spending without underpinning by economic growth will not be sustained in any event . ’
6 First , they can be situated in any part of the UK , which makes access difficult and the length of time to get the information can be long .
7 Every sound can be heard in any part of the room . ’
8 Forever jolly , always bouncy , rarely lost for words and always exhorting the audience to scream that little bit louder , the two DJs keep alive a potentially boring formula ( music blaring from a large kebab van can be heard in any town on any night ) .
9 Richard Ledes was considered to be in a position of trust and was recommended as a fit person to be consulted in any investigation to be made by Scrope .
10 He should not , therefore , be regarded in any way as an up-market embalmer , but a serious scientist , extending his knowledge , and private curiosity , in perfecting a way to arrest the post-mortem decomposition of the human body by the balanced use of chemicals , spices and herbs .
11 The tanks can be placed in any position except on top of a house .
12 A recent analysis of social class in Britain by Ralf Dahrendorf does much to explain why little hope can be placed in any movement towards embourgeoisement in Britain .
13 Do battens need to be treated in any way before fixing ?
14 We emphasise once again that , although we can regularly identify such structural markers , their appearance in discourse should not be treated in any way as ‘ rule-governed ’ .
15 I am unable to see why equitable assignments , with this fall-back declaration of trust , ought to be treated in any way differently for compensation purposes than if in place of assignments there had been simple declarations of trust .
16 There are about twenty different amino acids and these may be arranged in any sequence .
17 All the TARDIS sections were integrated , like a jigsaw , and could be arranged in any number of abstract ways without the visual suggestion of the set being lost .
18 There is no central viewing point ; the canvases may be arranged in any number of combinations , creating new sequences and configurations , while suggesting the infinite possible readings within an image ; ‘ further disrupting the comfortable viewing space ’ .
19 We need to provide a range of starting points which can be developed in any language , and to consider introducing some pupils ' home languages .
20 In drafting a break-clause the draftsman should consider : ( 1 ) the time at which the break-clause may be exercised ; ( 2 ) the manner in which it may be exercised ; ( 3 ) whether the circumstances in which the break-clause may be exercised should be limited in any way ; ( 4 ) the effect on other parts of the lease of the inclusion of a break-clause. ( a ) Time of exercise A break-clause is a species of option properly so called .
21 ( 4 ) In an action for personal injuries ; ( a ) the number of expert witnesses shall be limited in any case to two medical experts and one expert of any other kind ; ( b ) nothing in para ( 1 ) above shall require a party to produce a further medical report if he proposes to rely at the trial only on the report provided pursuant to Ord 6 , r 1(5) or ( 6 ) but , where a further report is disclosed , that report shall be accompanied by an amended statement of the special damages claimed , if appropriate .
22 In the past , the US has insisted that the economic costs of reducing emissions of carbon dioxide should be considered in any treaty .
23 Dietary and postural therapies are aimed principally at correcting environmentally induced imbalances , and as such should be considered in any treatment programme where it is likely that such imbalances play a part .
24 There are four issues which must be considered in any case in which it is thought a restraint of trade problem exists .
25 It must be deployed also on the hitherto comparatively neglected first four years of the reign , that brief part of her life which is the only one which can be considered in any way typical for a reigning monarch .
26 This enables them to be differentiated from some of the other forms of river terrace , which must be considered in any study of terraces .
27 I have discussed four problems of co-ordination that must be solved in any attempt to develop a reasonably comprehensive anaphor resolver : those of co-ordinating ambiguity types , knowledge sources , multiple anaphors , and multiple sources of candidates .
28 There is too much archaeology to be contained in any undergraduate degree or to be taught by any group of teachers .
29 The importance of these men can not be over-estimated in any examination of English Nonconformity .
30 Should they be added in any order ?
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