Example sentences of "[be] [verb] a new [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Amid charges of a short-term political fix from Labour , the Liberal Democrats and the remaining handful of diehard Tory dissidents , Mr Heseltine said the mines would be given a new chance to compete and eased the way for full privatisation of the coal industry .
2 To symbolise her new life , her new role defined for her by the male rule-makers of society , a girl may even be given a new name on marriage .
3 ACOST , the Advisory Council on Science and Technology , is to be given a new name and a newly defined role .
4 Old furniture and junk-shop finds can be given a new lease of life with a little tender loving care and a certain amount of practical know-how .
5 It could only be given a new lease of life by grounding its themes in a transformed image of a much more efficient , modernised , client-centred public sector , to which Labour has not yet seriously directed itself .
6 The venerable Antonov An-2 utility biplane in production in Eastern Europe since 1948 , may be given a new lease of life .
7 It 's right that Joe Hawkins and Allen 's other legendary aggro merchants should now be given a new lease of life , and Allen is absolutely sure of his books ' continued relevance : ‘ The doubts and problems which confronted yesteryear 's skinheads have multiplied at an alarming rate in today 's world .
8 It 's absolutely wonderful — to be given a new lease of life .
9 ONE of Scotland 's most ancient highways may be given a new lease of life as a commuter route for cyclists .
10 ‘ If Bernard gets away after tipping off Bailey he 's certain to be given a new identity by the CIA .
11 It means that lambs which have lost their parents , for reasons such as sheep worrying by dogs , can quickly be given a new mother .
12 The word ‘ god ’ must , in the minds of all , be divorced for ever from all its varied historical associations and be given a new meaning .
13 You 'll also be given a new toothbrush every evening .
14 With Hartie mortally wounded by the vengeful NZRU council , Kirwan has now made himself available and the newly appointed backs coach Earle Kirton has been heard suggesting that ‘ King John ’ might be assigned a new role at centre , a position he is successfully filling for his second division Italian club Thiene who are coaches by another Kiwi , John Boe .
15 According to the statement the sole task of the new People 's Assembly would be to draft a new constitution to be placed before the people for approval .
16 And they like to be taught a new board game
17 System 3 are meant to be bringing a new game called Silly Putty out .
18 To the long-term capital outflow of $42 billion had to be added a new element , a short-term capital outflow of $22 billion , as foreign firms and individuals either withdrew their cash from US banks or increased their borrowing from them .
19 The Company will soon be launching a new video collection — for further info call the GRH Education Press Office on
20 In early October it will be opening a new gallery on the Calle Orfila , Madrid , designed by New York architect Richard Gluckman .
21 Businesses like Chartered Papermill where one of our honourable friends will be opening a new plant er shortly where they have have won awards for quality , for training and for exports , national and regional during the last three years .
22 ACET will shortly be opening a new office in the east end of London to serve clients in North and East London .
23 The company has a current turnover of around £10m and will be opening a new office in Duke Street , Darlington in March .
24 ‘ It is super to have a purpose-built unit for the elderly and , indeed , to be opening a new hospital at all .
25 Man City 0 , Spurs 1 PETER REID will soon be signing a new contract at Maine Road , But the City manager could do with signing a player as well , if all the words about challenging for the title are to mean anything .
26 In honour of our new partnership with Messrs Lonsdale and Pugh , the team will , from today , be adopting a new nickname , THE STIFFS .
27 Aware that the new contracts begin on April 27th , the first day of the schools ' summer term , the county will be publishing a new booklet timetable — ‘ Bordon , Whitehill and Liphook Connections ’ — giving information on bus services and linking train timetables due to be introduced on May 11th .
28 ( a ) Extent of the demise Although the tenant is entitled to the protection of Part II of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 in respect of the whole of the property comprised in his tenancy , he is only entitled to be granted a new tenancy of his holding .
29 They may be addressing a new generation — but it does n't matter , Peter says .
30 Some elements in the Argentine military , along with members of the opposition UCR , characterized the abandonment of the missile programme as a capitulation to US demands , and described it as an irresponsible move at a time when Chile was suspected to be seeking a new missile .
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