Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [prep] some [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It says that life-support equipment could be withdrawn from some terminally-ill people .
2 She wrote a memorial to his brother George , now Prince Regent , Nelson 's friend , reminding him of the codicil which the national hero had made to his will leaving her and Horatia to the nation , and asking for it to be recognized in some tangible form .
3 The deeper down a tunnel goes the more dangerous it is and the more likely it is to be inhabited by some terrible monster .
4 He saw Olga Stych go off to church an hour early and deduced that she must be helping with some small church chore before the service .
5 The non-existence of such dealings can not however be conclusive because their absence may be explained by some extraneous consideration , for example , lack of occasion , the attitude of the regime to human rights , its relationship to another state .
6 Wealthy ladies , doing a little charitable slumming , as well as a few shopkeepers ' wives , bought the pretty baby clothes , and the doll she had dressed went for a fabulous price , to be given to some little girl more fortunate than those for whom the money was being raised .
7 In a particular market , given its underlying cost and demand parameters , it will usually be possible to define a range of discount rates over which agreement on some collusive set of outputs or prices can be sustained by some threatened punishment strategy .
8 On his own right there was an empty place , no doubt to be filled by some trusted official of the household .
9 Indeed , this version of English was now beginning to be justified at some provincial universities on grounds of the kind proposed by Reid .
10 Is he saying that these benefits will remain taxable but that the equivalent cost of the benefit will be calculated on some different basis ?
11 ‘ Then Love Begins ’ only lives to be heard on some Midwestern FM easy listening station — which you may find funny or sad in itself .
12 ‘ Then Love Begins ’ only lives to be heard on some Midwestern FM easy listening station — which you may find funny or sad in itself .
13 His normally responsive facial expression was firmly controlled ; an Oxford contemporary remembered that for all its serenity an observer seemed ‘ to be gazing upon some great portrait of a face rather than upon a face ’ .
14 Taken together , these facts suggest that a genetically susceptible individual must be exposed to some environmental factor in order to succumb to the disease .
15 A coherent explanation of the cases must be placed on some other basis than agency .
16 Bremner and Jimmy Johnstone made Willie Ormond 's period as Scotland manager into a nightmare of infuriating incidents and in the '60s , the city of Turin was to be treated to some memorable scandals when Denis Law and Joe Baker both signed for the Italian League side Torino .
17 Her antiseptic presence transformed Mr Sunderland 's office into a place where children were condemned not to the cane or detention but to threadworms or impetigo or a terrible weakness of the chest that could only be treated in some distant sanatorium .
18 Instead , the probabilities would have to be assigned in some arbitrary way .
19 That assessment might also be wrong ( clue to a later article : junk-bond default rates ) or it might be distorted by some other influence ( clue : federal deposit insurance ) .
20 Or , alternatively , a mother encounters a persistent feeding difficulty in the baby , fails to resolve it , and as a result loses her initial equanimity and becomes tense and fearful with him ( and if that , in turn , then makes the feeding problem even worse one is left with a vicious spiral of the kind that can only be resolved by some drastic outside intervention and which clearly shows , moreover , the difficulty of disentangling cause and effect when confronted by the end result ) .
21 These may be preceded by some positive statement such as : ‘ I am very involved in my church .
22 This acquisition of special knowledge meant that when I was called to give evidence to the Advisory Council on Drug Abuse ( chaired by Baroness Wooton ) on the use of cannabis , I was perhaps more inclined to dwell on the symbolic dangers attributed to its use than on any alleged physical harm , simply because I was now aware that any reality in relation to cannabis use was more complex than could be contained in some easy binary of social value — medical debilitation .
23 ‘ It had occurred to me that if the substance known as Potassium Chlorate were to be contained in some small vessel with the right quantity of Sulphur , and the compound impacted — that is to say , if I hit it a pretty fair whack with a pestle — the result would be an explosion . ’
24 Some people hold that this is the case , that they must be superseded by some other form of basic unit for society .
25 Melford , now he had tasted blood , seemed to be revelling in some private joke .
26 Goodness knows what was happening to her , but she seemed to be trapped in some thick mental fog .
27 At least one strong appeal inherent in Christ 's teaching lay in its promise of a life of happiness to be enjoyed at some future date .
28 The records can be compressed into some other range such as 250 000 by repetitive subtraction of 250 000 , and the method usually gives very good randomization .
29 This is not all ; for if any unwanted change in the output occurs and this change can be fed back to modify the duty cycle ratio in the proper sense , the output can be stabilized at some desired value , any deviation from that value being automatically corrected .
30 She did not look as if she might be dying of some dreadful disease .
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