Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [verb] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Additional studies on weights and measures , and Scottish numismatics will also be undertaken to assist in the interpretation of the collected price data .
2 Consideration should be given to include in the Direct Journal a supplement possibly entitled Health and Safety Direct to the Membership .
3 In the morning , should this truce be agreed , leave will be given to draw in the wagons .
4 On occasions the courts have gone further and disqualified a member of a tribunal or board " if there are circumstances so affecting a person acting in a judicial capacity as to be calculated to create in the mind of a reasonable man a suspicion of that person 's impartiality , those circumstances are sufficient to disqualify although in fact no bias exists " ; see Law v. Chartered Institute of Patent Agents [ 1919 ] 2 Chapter 276 ; Metropolitan Properties Co .
5 In San Salvador , children have picked up a catchy radio tune about the Condor brand of condoms and can be heard singing in the streets : " Condor is your friend , — always take him with you ! "
6 At any rate it should not surprise us that when Virgil most startlingly irrupts into Pound 's Cantos ( rather late — it is in Canto 78 ) , he should be heard speaking in the Caledonian accents of Gavin Douglas .
7 Rosette could be heard talking in the kitchen .
8 I do n't know who composed the ballads , which could be heard sung in the streets all over the place .
9 ‘ But we are in Manitoba , ’ Mercer could be heard saying in a lull , ‘ they 've got that right .
10 Light can bring about change in products , and products that are likely to be exposed to light in the market should always be tested by exposure to light .
11 It is usually better to cause an hour-glass or wasp-waisted specimen to be made as this can be arranged to break in the middle where it is thinnest .
12 Or a great space hulk might be reported drifting in the void or in the warp , harbouring suspected pirates or , worse , those fierce cunning invasive Genestealers which could infest a human world just as termites infest a house — so that it seems to remain firm timber until it crumbles apart .
13 Guo and Bradshaw carried out analyses of the nutrient ( N , P and K ) and energy flow patterns within the village and have conducted a variety of experiments to see how these patterns can be modified to result in a greater retention of nutrients and a more efficient return of energy to the human population .
14 ‘ A woman whose response to Chernobyl is that only thirty-one people were killed , who can dismiss as unimportant one of the world 's greatest nuclear disasters which put thousands in hospital , exposed a hundred thousand or more to dangerous radioactivity , devastated vast areas of land , and may result in deaths from cancer amounting to fifty thousand over the next fifty years , is totally unsuitable to be trusted to work in an atomic power station .
15 Amaranth had no wish to be caught napping in the lounge of the Grand Hotel ; how much better to return to ‘ Mon Repos ’ and put her feet up for an hour or so .
16 One point to note here , the EQ can be programmed to appear in the distortion patch or not , as required , so a bright rhythm sound does n't mean a thin , weedy lead sound .
17 CUMMINS Engine , the U.S. diesel engine maker with a plant in Darlington , claims it should be returning to profit in the first quarter of this year .
18 This can be reduced by diversifying , in particular to achieve a mix of assets whose values would not all be expected to move in the same direction at once .
19 As a few of these modules may have started in a previous session , or may be expected to finish in a future session , some will count in statistics for more than one session .
20 Given the attractiveness of the venue , this undercapacity can be expected to continue in the medium term .
21 They cause objects to seem to shift in position by only a small amount , which is what objects plausibly can be expected to do in the real world .
22 It is a judgment about moral limits and one which reasonable adults can properly be expected to make in a democratic community .
23 He would be expected to help in the kitchen stores when not delivering .
24 Anyway , the van would be arriving any minute now and Benny would be expected to help in the unloading .
25 A late election will also be acceptable where at a crucial time one of the signatories or a signatory 's agent was unavailable for unforeseeable reasons ( such as a serious illness ) and there was no one else who could reasonably be expected to stand in the agent 's shoes .
26 Minor defects must , for example , be expected to materialise in a second-hand car ( see Bartlett v. Sydney Marcus above ) .
27 Elected leaders , such as politicians and many trade union officials , have such authority , which they will be expected to exercise in the interests of the electors/union members .
28 We need to have clarification of the role Helen Hoy would be expected to play in the new set-up .
29 It is sometimes interesting to use the transition probability matrix to generate synthetic sequences of foggy and clear days ; these sequences show patterns that might be expected to occur in the future ( since there are an infinite number of alternative futures but only one present and one past ) .
30 Therefore , both the extent and the functions of green belts may be expected to change in the near future , and this change may also have social implications .
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