Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [verb] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This must have been agreed , as on 22 February , Major-General Galloway of MEHQ wrote to Eighth Army Headquarters to inform them that after the next series of operations , L Detachment would be withdrawn to re-form up to strength and be retrained as a parachute unit .
2 Tape speed is fixed to run at 3 ¾ips , which is twice normal cassette speed , but by engaging the tape speed select switch it can be altered to run up to 20% faster or slower , or take its speed from a SMPTE controller .
3 When pitching in strong winds place the tent on the ground with the entrance you 'll be using pointing away from the wind .
4 Relax and enjoy your garden on this pine bench which can be painted to blend in with the surrounds .
5 Beyond the door , Mother Bombie 's feet in soft felt slippers could be heard slapping angrily down the stairs .
6 Around eight o'clock the sound of distant brass bands can again be heard wafting in through the bedroom windows .
7 Lucy crawled out of bed around lunchtime , found her way up to the shower while Josie could be heard moving around in the kitchen , and could n't resist leaving aside her own hard soap and supermarket shampoo in order to freeload a few squirts and squeezes of the gels , mousses and lotions that stood on the tiled windowsill .
8 Despite all the hype , hate and hysteria that has gone before , something magical and mysterious can still be heard shuffling around in the dark , and this celebration is the spotlight that picks it out .
9 An old sea captain , veteran of the battle of Trafalgar , and he has a wooden leg and he can be heard stumping about in October , round about the anniversary of the battle .
10 ‘ I 'm disappointed but not devastated and I 'll be cheering Kriss on in Rome . ’
11 This card may be placed face up at the table edge or with the unit to indicate that it is affected .
12 Meanwhile the also sympathetic but Grahamly maddening Tim is struggling to move into a flat on the row , while supposing himself to be struggling to come out of the closet .
13 As the sky faded to orange over the sea of felltops , it became clear that not only was Rib and Slab out of the question but we would be struggling to get back to Wasdale before nightfall .
14 Where one such lift is used the dock and load would be balanced by a suspended weight but two such lifts would generally be arranged to work simultaneously in opposite directions so as to balance each other .
15 The orbitals in these compounds can be considered to lie predominantly on the metal ( or metals in a polynuclear species ) or on the ligands , or to be involved in metal-ligand interactions and so be shared between metal and ligand .
16 This approach thus represents an extension of the hierarchical system and can be considered to simplify down to such a system when each of the superior states are considered in turn .
17 ‘ The right type of facilities need to be built in the area before companies can be attracted to set up in business .
18 Similarly , adjacent sounds may be modified to sound more like each other , e.g. ’ gone back ’ may be pronounced as ’ gom back ’ .
19 If they already have some practical knowledge they will be itching to get on to the floor !
20 Storage accommodation had to be designed to accommodate upwards of 10,000 items used in these repairs .
21 This would be likely to include the tracking through services and follow-up of groups of clients , through detailed description and in depth interviewing of professionals , clients , and carers , and would be designed to get closer to measures of quality of care and of outcome .
22 ‘ If they all voted to go to Disneyland would ratepayers be expected to cough up for that too ? ’
23 He or she will be expected to participate actively within the Centre 's research activities .
24 Passive acceptance and rote learning of facts and procedures is now discouraged ; you will instead be expected to participate fully in an exchange of views and information .
25 Misrepresentation as well as undue influence is a means of abusing the confidence that may be expected to arise out of the relation .
26 On past experience , a 15 per cent devaluation could be expected to feed through at roughly 3 per cent a year for five years , and if this is repeated , it is still far too soon to say that inflationary expectations have been beaten out of the economy .
27 Then they will be expected to turn out in the afternoon heat to suit the peak viewing times of European television viewers .
28 This would lead us to look not just at the ‘ outputs ’ from institutions , but at the ‘ inputs ’ , and at the achievements of students who would traditionally not have been considered to be capable of achieving success , as well as those who could be expected to perform well on the basis of their previous academic achievements .
29 After the Ebro , Catalonia could not be expected to hold on for long , and if Catalonia fell the rest of Republican Spain was likely to follow .
30 Many of these stood at junctions where passengers might be expected to stop over before continuing their journey 's .
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