Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [prep] [be] [that] " in BNC.

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1 The inevitable conclusion which will be jumped to is that he is going because there is about to be some momentous U-turn over Maastricht now that Britain 's presidency of the EC is over .
2 An additional payoff not to be sneezed at is that lecturers , forced to integrate , begin to rethink their subject !
3 This being impossible , the next thing to be wished for is that , at every instant , seeing reason to believe as much , and not being able to satisfy himself to the contrary , he should conceive himself to be so " ( emphasis in original ) .
4 The idea , the idea of it though and from an auditor 's point of view one of the things they will be looking at is that every one where you wrote when we are not doing this must have a valid reason and a new methodology must be met on how you are going to cover that particular aspect and that must be authorised .
5 The general rule with regard to these provisions might be said to be that the settlor will not avoid tax on the income which arises from the capital which he has settled unless he and his wife are excluded from all possible benefit .
6 One thing that can be said about is that he he 's never drab .
7 ‘ What they will be hoping for is that they can get to a few months before before the next election , take the brakes off and try to deceive the people once again things are back on course .
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