Example sentences of "[that] can [not/n't] be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 It is a question that can not be answered .
2 Ask for details of sensations , where they are situated , where they move to , how they start and change , find out what the pattern is but take care to use open ended questions whenever possible ; questions that can not be answered by a simple ‘ yes ’ or ‘ no ’ , such as ‘ How does your head feel ? ’ instead of ‘ Do you have a headache ? ’
3 There will be great debate surrounding the engine and many questions will be raised that can not be answered except in terms of likelihood .
4 Whether these entry positions can , in turn , be levered into positions of more than a new dependency on the technological leaders is an open question and one that can not be answered in the general case .
5 ‘ Are the same pupils regularly absent ? ’ is the first obvious question that can not be answered by examining attendance rates .
6 ‘ ( a ) no evidence shall be admissible in any proceedings before a judicial authority exercising its jurisdiction or functions in Great Britain to prove that any such person has committed … any offence which was the subject of a spent conviction ; and ’ ( b ) a person shall not , in any such proceedings , be asked , and , if asked , shall not be required to answer , any question relating to his past that can not be answered without acknowledging or referring to a spent conviction or spent convictions or any circumstances thereto ; … ’
7 Fibre is the indigestible component of our diet , almost always derived from vegetable produce , and it is those components of the diet that can not be broken down by the digestive system which in turn pass into the large bowel and contribute to the bulk of faecal waste matter .
8 Present levels of breakdown , isolation , fear and violence are evils that can not be separated from the economic system that delivers the goods .
9 So any cream or potion which implies ( the advertising standards authority objects to claims that can not be proven ) that your skin will look more radiant and youthful is on to a good thing .
10 Fundamentalism is a belief system that can not be refuted because it comes from a supreme being .
11 If it is important to understand a number of practical policies , because of a concern about their effects upon society , it is necessary to accept studies that can not be defined in terms of a discrete intellectual discipline .
12 Although there are numbers that can not be expressed as a sum of three squares , for instance 7 , Gauss had managed to find the number of expressions when they do exist .
13 The term phimosis ( from the Greek word for muzzling ) is often incorrectly applied to any foreskin that can not be retracted .
14 Their ideologies create enclosed belief-systems that can not be affected by evidence which contradicts them .
15 There must , of course , be money-making enterprises as well to buy those necessities that can not be grown on the farm , but these will be looked upon as secondary calls on the agricultural operations in which farm surpluses are sold to supplement the cash income from non-farming sources .
16 They gave me the vitally important gift of being able to ‘ feel ’ an audience , a precious sixth sense that can not be taught .
17 For here there appears to be nothing that can not be transfused utterly with spirit , with high feeling , with fierce clean passion .
18 He also stated in terms that can not be misunderstood that science is after all a human activity , dependent on human imagination to produce its hypotheses , absolutely incapable of describing the world absolutely , but setting itself merely the obligation of bouncing its ideas against reality .
19 While treaty succession is a specialised topic that can not be developed here , many practical and juridical problems of State succession are equally relevant in an over-all consideration of treaties and third parties .
20 Bondi says , ‘ The unique geophysical situation of the Grytviken ( South Georgia ) Faraday and Halley ( both Antarctica ) bases provide opportunities to investigate scientifically exciting and fundamental atmospheric problems that can not be studied elsewhere . ’
21 But the believer is heir to a kingdom that can not be shaken He who trusts in God looks death out of countenance ; and over him the second death shall have no power … " "
22 In reality that would only increase white racism and try to solve with money a problem that can not be bribed away .
23 As was recognized in the US in the 1960s ( David , 1965 ) , the social services have the potential for providing rewarding and socially useful employment for a large proportion of the work-force that can not be absorbed by other sectors of the labour market .
24 It seems to me that art of all kinds emerges out of deep human needs , needs that can not be met anywhere else .
25 The key criteria are that a person has a range of needs that can not be met by one agency alone and his or her ability to live independently is in jeopardy .
26 On July 10 , 1990 , the government announced that as a result of its decision to withdraw subsidies " for commodities in ever-growing demand that can not be met by home production " it would ( i ) almost double the price of fuel ; ( ii ) increase the price of luxury goods , newspapers and books ; and ( iii ) double the price of mineral water .
27 Despite the drop , there is still a demand for council houses that can not be met , it says .
28 Newman argued that as a commitment in the light of evidence that can not be treated as proof , religious belief is like rather than unlike other forms of belief .
29 These are then sub-divided by sorting the sherds in each group into rim sherds ( from the top of the pot ) , base sherds ( from the bottom of the pot ) , fragments of handles , and body sherds ( sherds from any other part of the pot that can not be recognized as the base , rim or handle ) .
30 There is a very real danger that cleaning stores may become general junk rooms providing a home for everything and anything that can not be stored easily .
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