Example sentences of "[that] would [be] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 she does n't seem the type that would be a school teacher I mean the erm that erm seven , eight year old that she teaches and I just think what she 's like at school .
2 ‘ It 's the kind of kick that would be a problem on a normal knee for only one week .
3 St Jude 's Square lay before her , level and familiar , flanked by its old taverns and the graceful iron railings of St Jude 's churchyard where Luke still often waited for her ; the square crowded and ebullient today with the stalls for the Friday market , with traders and dealers and pedlars of fancy braids and buttons , fans , feathers , bright little birds in cages , beads , sequins , second-hand dresses that could be unpicked and made over , second-hand bonnets that could be remodelled , old belts that sometimes had decent buckles , sugar sticks the colour of rubies and emeralds that would be a treat for Liam .
4 Cunningham , who has not played since May 1 has still trained hard , and he admitted yesterday : ‘ Realistically , I could not play in Saturday 's Test that would be a bit early . ’
5 you know a legal document , but I mean maybe we can reach some sort of middle ground that would be a kind of guidelines and
6 Somehow all his rolls of fat were invested with dignity as they shook to his sobs and his weight pulling at her was a part of it that would be a part of her life forever .
7 She touched him , her hands flat against his chest , tangling in the dark , dark hair , following its trail that led down and down , stroking the aroused maleness that would be a part of her so very , very soon .
8 If the principle on which morality is based is referred to as ‘ acting for the sake of duty ’ ( Kant ) , then that would be a way of explaining the reason a man might have for acting morally .
9 ‘ Who is here so base that would be a bondsman ?
10 Talking of restrictions , it often happens that your client wants to develop a property that is subject to old restrictive covenants in a manner that would be a breach of covenant .
11 In any walk of life that would be a compliment .
12 If in time ways can be found to beautify the street further , then that would be a bonus on top of the already achieved traffic calming gains .
13 If you did a blank that would be a value Dave .
14 If that was an alkane that would be a butane four carbons .
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