Example sentences of "[that] there [vb mod] have to " in BNC.

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1 Yet it also conceded that there might have to be ‘ differentiated progress ’ among members towards common goals .
2 They are very aware that the problems of the coal industry combined with the clash between government policy and the policies of the TUC ensured that there would have to be some type of conflict in 1926 .
3 By this time the country would be in such a shambles under Kinnock , Smith , Hattersley , Cook and Co that there would have to be another election , which the Tories would once again be able to fight in a properly robust and combative fashion .
4 Bukharin realised , just as well as Preobrazhensky , that there would have to be a transfer of resources to industry if industrialisation was to proceed .
5 Nobody thought trade could be carried on in India without a network of factories and fortifications , which meant that there would have to be a company with a charter to run them — the idea that the government might provide them would have struck the merchants as inappropriate and would have alarmed the politicians who would have had to impose taxes to pay for them .
6 5.1 In considering the rate at which course proposals can be validated , the Advanced Courses Policy Sub-Committee recognised that there would have to be a range of validation models , each of which will be tailored to the course and the centre .
7 The summit communiqué " welcome[d] trends in Iran to improve and develop its relations with GCC member states " but noted that there would have to be " serious work to settle differences " .
8 He said that there would have to be compromise but gave no indication of any new breakthrough .
9 Last autumn it was stated in a document that there would have to be further subscriptions of finance before er , the project became profitable .
10 Conservatives on Oxfordshire County Council have dismissed claims that there 'll have to be major cuts in services if it has to stick to Government budget estimates .
11 ‘ It is plainly in the interests of the more efficient administration of justice that there should be split trials in appropriate cases , as even where the decision on the first part of a split trial is such that there will have to be a second part , it may be desirable that the decision shall be appealed before incurring the possibly unnecessary expense of the second part .
12 It may be that there will have to be extensive changes in those institutions in the years to come .
13 A 1987 report of the Agricultural Economic Development Committee concludes that there will have to be relatively rapid reductions in the number of people employed in agriculture , and that therefore farmers will need to develop new rural enterprises which will provide new employment , while at the same time meeting the demands of the public for greater access , recreation and conservation .
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