Example sentences of "[that] there [be] [det] more " in BNC.

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1 The acid test of a skill is to watch someone else doing something effortlessly and then to try it yourself — you quickly discover that there is much more to it thin you imagined .
2 The ban has allowed Johanson to embroil himself in controversy , something he relishes , and the controversy has confirmed that there is much more to palaeo-anthropology than old bones .
3 The ban has allowed Johanson to embroil himself in controversy , something he relishes , and the controversy has confirmed that there is much more to palaeo-anthropology than old bones .
4 Wilkinson went on : ‘ He had to learn that there is much more emphasis on running , battling and defensive duties here in England . ’
5 When one begins to list the dozens of schema-based inferences which even such a brief passage as this evokes , it soon becomes clear that there is much more to comprehension than vocabulary and sentence structure — comprehension is crucially dependent upon schemata .
6 Some writers feel that there is much more scope for local authorities using their wide powers to charge to enhance their revenue ( Blair , 1991 ) .
7 Since the experience-curve concept was developed by BCG , it has been shown that there is much more to dominating markets than simple mastery of the experience curve — even where cost leadership is the strategy .
8 But Taylor will have noted that there is much more to Atkinson 's game now than the blistering pace which launched him into league football with Ipswich Town six years ago .
9 It could well be that there are many more signals operating between cells than is currently suspected .
10 I am convinced , however , that there are many more big bream waters dotted about the country than we suspect .
11 But the fact is that the government is looking for a huge expansion in student numbers nationally and we at Birmingham are keen to play our part , not least because we know that there are many more people who can benefit from a university education ( as you have done ) than are able to at present .
12 I think really what happens when you go into the past is not so much that the laws that we now use change , but we just find that there are many more new rules and particles and things that can happen , so the things that we know are the same , but there are many , many more different types of interaction and particle in nature which we have no experience of , which we have to take into account .
13 However , for every successful adoption of a new crop or new variety of crop it is certain that there were many more failed attempts at innovation , for the African physical environment places many difficulties in the path of farmers .
14 A school cleaner pointed out that there were many more low-paid women than men among the public service workers .
15 However , a survey of sources of radio waves outside our galaxy , carried out by Martin Ryle and his group at Cambridge , showed that there were many more faint sources than strong ones .
16 The Cambridge group showed that most of these radio sources must lie outside our galaxy ( indeed many of them could be identified with other galaxies ) and also that there were many more weak sources than strong ones .
17 From watching Isobel and her husband he had discovered that there was much more to sex than just taking a girl to bed or being uneasily married to a frigid , grasping woman .
18 Many of these ingredients were indeed present , but as the months passed I became increasingly aware that there was much more than just science at work here .
19 In such contests everyone concerned was fully aware that there was much more at stake than an annual office .
20 Not that there was any more purpose in his life than there had been yesterday ; but the events of the previous twenty-four hours had shown him that Ra could and would produce the unexpected at the most surprising moment , and he could not suppress the hope that his chance meeting with Merymose might lead somewhere .
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