Example sentences of "[that] were [prep] be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The ‘ simpliciter ’ collection is simple indeed — four parts , the highest carrying the melody — but the ‘ fugue-wise ’ ones treat the successive phrases of the hymn in motet style on lines that were to be followed throughout the seventeenth century and beyond .
2 Under this Resolution , it was agreed to set up a Committee on Cultural Affairs , and that the Commission should implement actions decided on by the Council that were to be implemented at Community level .
3 By the late neolithic , Knossian house plans had become quite elaborate , with square fireplaces set against a wall or in the centre of the room , and with neighbouring dwellings juxtaposed to make a cellular layout familiar in Early Minoan villages such as Fournou Korifi ( Myrtos ) and the temples that were to be built in the Middle Minoan .
4 Like so many of the films that were to be made during the Second World War , The Four Just Men does n't only draw attention to the nature of the enemy ; it also presents an evocative picture of just what it is that is under threat — ‘ all the roads and rivers , fields add woods and hills that make up this funny old island . ’
5 Use of the library resource centre means that the children would have immediate access to a much larger collection than can normally be gathered in a series of project or topic boxes , of the kind that were to be gathered for the use of the eight groups in this example .
6 The barrel of the gun and all the areas of the engine that were to be given a metal finish were then painted Chaos Black .
7 There are signs that their enterprise was resented , a foretaste of the accusations of selfish materialism that were to be pinned on Catalans for a hundred years to come .
8 To furnish the interior authentically , the owner sought out period items — panelled doors , chimney pieces , etc — from local buildings that were to be demolished and installed them in appropriate positions .
9 The contributions that were to be offered with the study of process may be surveyed from the viewpoint of soil science and the biogeographer , from that of the climatologist and the geomorphologist and then from the field of hydrology which to some extent provided a new focus of interest for physical geographers and one that proffered a link between at least the geomorphic and climatic aspects of physical environment .
10 It was not only food imports that were to be substituted in Franco 's plan .
11 The pair arrived with money and dispatches written in invisible ink that were to be handed over to one of the leaders of the insurrectionary party in Spain , currently conspiring to get rid of the autocratic King Ferdinand and currently enjoying the support of idealistic and poetical young Englishmen .
12 The saddest story I heard was of a sheriff officer going to a door to collect items that were to be sold at auction .
13 The sobering experience of war , which now determined Nietzsche 's general outlook , affected his thoughts about the tragic spirit that were to be embodied in the coming book .
14 Rolling off Vought 's Dallas production line , BuNo 133772 was one of 94 new-build aircraft that were to be supplied to the French Aeronavale , under the US Government 's Military Defence Assistance Programme ( MDAP ) , between 1952 and 1953 — the last Corsairs to be built .
15 Without further hesitation they gathered their sticks together and boarded the five Bristol Bombays , squeezing themselves into the fuselages among the piles of equipment that were to be dropped with them .
16 Lisa had been fully occupied explaining to a rather elderly lady why she could n't pick out the exact blooms that were to be delivered to her daughter-in-law in New Zealand .
17 Where are the staff that were to be recruited to service the customers during these new extended opening hours ?
18 Had they , after nineteen-eighteen , learnt the lessons that were to be learnt , then we might have been spared Hitler and the Second World War .
19 The next few weeks were busy one for all the Pack and their mothers , who baked and stitched and sewed , and listened to recitations and lines from plays that were to be performed by the Brownies , and answered their questions about this , that and the other , and tried to put their sudden doubts and fears at rest .
20 The crowd went home quietly via the 300 pubs that were to be found in the East End of Glasgow in the good old days .
21 He fell over and clouted his head against one of the heavy silvered cast-iron radiators that were to be found throughout the school .
22 Moreover , the papers were run as political ventures ; there were none of the commercial , management , planning and sales activities that were to be found at the Standard .
23 Bold , reckless , keen in business , not disinclined for a brush with the pirates that were to be found on many a coast as yet , making money fast , they used to have a general " rendezvous " in the bay for the purposes of trade and dissipation .
24 Trains of animals , each carrying 5 or 6 hundredweight , crossed the wilder stretches of the country or plodded along the narrow paved causeways that were to be found on both sides of the Pennines and as far south as Derbyshire .
25 This subversive exchange represents one of the ‘ pockets of freedom ’ — Sibylle 's own phrase — that were to be found in every stratum of a superficially homogeneous Nazi society — not just in one branch of the Hitler Youth , but in the army at the battlefront and , of course , at home , where Sibylle 's mother shocked her tea guests by referring to her ‘ dear Jewish friends ’ abroad , and her father listened to the forbidden BBC with the volume turned up full .
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