Example sentences of "[that] he would n't be " in BNC.

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1 ‘ His US lawyer contacted ours and said he wanted to swop our daughter for a guarantee that he would n't be arrested !
2 He had made a will only one month before and when Mr Smith reminded him that the lease of the office premises was due for renewal , he remarked that he would n't be needing them .
3 I have played in Jamaica where a guard with a machine gun has boarded our team bus — my main concern then was that he would n't be able to shoot straight . ’
4 I gave him the option to come but explained that he would n't be involved .
5 In that time he has sat through more than 10,000 films.But he confesses that he would n't be seen dead in a cinema .
6 She did not add , He would jump at the chance of someone filling that post , so that he would n't be asked to take the children off Rose 's hands until she is once more fixed up with someone who could manage her unruly crowd , as well as herself and the house .
7 Erlich thought that he would n't be doing anything before he 'd put his head down .
8 Carol called him again and he called back that he would n't be long .
9 It seemed that he would n't be kind when I was ill , but only when I was badly behaved and unpleasant to him .
10 Henry said that he would n't be at all surprised ; but Lettice need not be afraid as long as she stayed close to him .
11 And somehow Meredith knew that he would n't be as easy to brush off , or to coax , or to divert with jokes as the other young men she 'd fended off .
12 In his post match press conference Tony Jacklin also chose to stress the marvellous atmosphere the match had been held in before going on to reiterate that he would n't be serving a fifth term as Captain .
13 This afternoon Gould insisted that he would n't be changing his mind .
14 Harvey said how much he had enjoyed his last visit to Riga , and how sorry he was that he would n't be going there , and the man at the other end said that Leningrad was one of the most wonderful towns in the world .
15 My Lords erm I would only hope that I would be able to do something to my Noble Friend in trying to persuade him that it is n't all that bad erm My Lords I do agree with him though when you I , I think that I 'd be first of all w were to tell him that er not that he would n't be surprised that I thought that his amendment was n't actually necessary , but I do understand his concern , I mean he tries to find his way through the legislation .
16 She was praying with all her heart that he would n't be too hurt .
17 It was a foregone conclusion that he would n't be sending his half by post , by bank , or by any other means .
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