Example sentences of "[that] he can [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 In such a case the surgeon may lawfully operate , in the knowledge that he can be justified either by consent or by the principle of necessity , whichever is in fact applicable .
2 In a speech on Tehran radio on June 5 Hojatolislam Seyed Ali Khamenei , Iran 's spiritual leader , repeated the demand that the British novelist Salman Rushdie should be handed over to British Moslems " so that he can be killed for blasphemy against Islam " , as first decreed by fatwa issued in February 1989 by the late Ayatollah Khomeini after publication of Rushdie 's novel The Satanic Verses [ see pp. 36450-51 ] .
3 I implored him not to , but he was adamant , thus following Rear Admiral Poland who had resigned from Muirfield in consequence of my being blackballed there ( ‘ it makes no sense at all ’ , he wrote to the secretary , ‘ that he can be accepted as a guest but blackballed as a member ’ ) : both were sacrifices for which I felt a personal responsibility and which caused me much distress .
4 In fact it is only because he is trying so hard to get it right that he can be said to get it wrong at all , and the gauche hero is above all the example of social over-anxiety , like Betjeman 's subaltern weak for love on a Hampshire tennis-court : his palms moist at the first handshake , one imagines , his over-careful manners a veneer masking racking uncertainties , and an over-developed sense of social duty enforcing its own inner punishment .
5 The Commander is best left separate from the tank so that he can be painted up as an individual model and put in or left out of the hatch as desired .
6 But — Johnsen is an excellent player : he has — great — speed ( if he make it to Leeds i reckon he will be their fastest player along with Wallace — he might actually be faster than W. ) , he is technically good , good ‘ nuff in the air — but his great force is that he can be used almost everywhere on the field .
7 To get out he has to supply information about his identity so that he can be put into the right bureaucratic pigeon-hole .
8 The survey is usually carried out by a chartered surveyor , which means — in theory at least — that he can be held liable for negligence and sued for damages .
9 So unless your customer is particularly devious , and is good at it , the chances are that he can be found quite quickly and for a reasonable fee .
10 The various departments ’ relations with Parliament , with outside bodies and professions are all governed by the same consideration that the minister is in charge and that he can be attacked ( in or out of Parliament ) for anything that happens or fails to happen in his department .
11 It is an outrage that he can be let out so soon ’ .
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