Example sentences of "[that] he could [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I found it incredible that he could make money doing that .
2 He learnt that he could make love and come both in haste and with impressive slowness , for five minutes or for three hours , without asking either for more or for less time from his partner but fitting in with their timing .
3 And she knew that this outing had been contrived by him so that he could make progress with her .
4 Without this kind of analytical framework , respecting the complex levels of mediation involved and their relative autonomy , Elvis becomes simply the plaything of naked political forces ( rebellious/manipulative ) ; and the fact that the young rock 'n' roller sang ballads from the start , that the older Hollywood star could still sing rock 'n' roll songs and was still respected by rock 'n' roll fans , that his ‘ blues ’ were ‘ romantic ’ ( a kind of fantasy ) , his ballads often ‘ realistic ’ ( given flesh ) , or that he could make boogification ironic — all this is inexplicable .
5 The lower house of the National Congress , the Chamber of Deputies , voted by 88 to 76 on Aug. 16 to withdraw the constitutional immunity from prosecution of former President Alan García Pérez , who held office in 1985-1990 and was a senator for life , so that he could face trial for the " alleged charges of embezzlement , extortion , fraud and the breach of public faith " .
6 Gedge conceded the point in a humorous letter to Dave Fielding , admitted that he could lay claim to a proportion of the royalties accrued by the song .
7 What was she , that he could lay claim to her like this ?
8 They went to the races so that he could study form , so that Lily might be seen in the outfits chosen with such care in London in February .
9 This , coupled with the notion of the magistrate as being responsible for enforcement of the judgments handed down by himself or his deputy , would surely suggest that he could give judgment for performance and enforce it specifically .
10 It was right , and he was sorry about it , because he 'd have liked to think his idea had helped them , been taken up so that he could feel part of the activity .
11 He may have asked for Norman help against his enemies in 1009 , and a continental source records that he at some point appealed to the French monarch Robert the Pious for assistance , conceivably in the hope that he could exert pressure on the Normans .
12 IT was the idea that he could offer comfort to others in bereavement which inspired John Johnson , of Winchester Road , Four Marks , to have his collection of prose and poetry published .
13 John Major has been told by constitutional lawyers that he could ignore Parliament and use the royal prerogative to sign the treaty bill if he faced the prospect of defeat .
14 Karrimor 's project development engineer demonstrated that he could do shoulder high kicks just as easily wearing with its 20kg load as without .
15 As Stanley continued to have problems travelling around , largely because of his speech difficulties , his family ( in the United States ) bought him a treatment plinth so that he could have physiotherapy care at home .
16 Equally the buyer will not be able to sue for non-delivery unless he was ready and willing to pay or else it had been agreed that he could have credit .
17 Unknown to the man who won more downhills than any other racer in history , the local ski patrol spent most of the night clearing snow by hand from the third tee and green at the local golf course in Copper Creek , the highest 18-hole golf course in North America , so that he could play golf on his birthday .
18 A link was also established with APEXCO , a DEA front company in Larnaca , when Zouher Kabbara told the court that he could contact Hurley there as necessary by telex .
19 So what he had to do , the the the the customer in fact , is end up by climbing up the bannister to get to the top so that he could get hold of the lad that was at the top get hold of him by the feet and pull him upwards and over and er finally free the man at the bottom .
20 Philip 's great-something-grandfather , Alexander I , had been accepted as a Greek by the Greeks ( so that he could take part in the Olympics ) .
21 Nearing the end , Pip realises that he could find contentment with Biddy but he soon learns that he is too late as she has already found happiness with Joe .
22 There was a risk that he could develop mesothelioma or lung cancer .
23 Foot said that he could cut unemployment to under one million in five years by public spending , tax reduction and devaluation .
24 He enjoyed a good relationship with Acheson and it suited both men for Dulles to be closely involved in policy formulation : Acheson because it would diminish at least some of the acrimony in Congress and Dulles because he wished to consolidate his record so that he could become Secretary of State in the next Republican administration .
25 And also you 'll like it because the cardinal who designed it was a practical joker and built in all sorts of extremely infantile jokes so that he could spray water onto his innocent friends while they were eating their dinner or trying to watch little masques .
26 The military controller informed him that he could fly IFR above FL 110 , or VFR below FL055 — the Sector Safe Altitude for IFR was 7,300 feet .
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