Example sentences of "[that] i was go to " in BNC.

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1 Detective-Sergeant Prentice had specifically requested my presence and left instructions that I was to go to Queen 's Road and not Whipps Cross Hospital Mortuary .
2 She was screaming at me that I was going to prison , ’ said Falati .
3 I did n't know then that I was going to be a politician . ’
4 On 14 October Coleridge wrote abstractedly to John Thelwall that , ‘ I should much wish , like the Indian Vishna , to float about along an infinite ocean cradled in the flower of the Lotos , & wake once in a million years for a few minutes — just to know that I was going to sleep a million years more . ’
5 Now that it was really beginning , now that I was going to be near him , I felt as strung up and as energized as Zak , and no doubt suffered the same compelling anxiety that things should n't go wrong .
6 I knew then that I was going to be an artist .
7 The story was so mad that your brother was being told to shoot Martin Meehan and that I was going to be interned for doing nothing . ’
8 I had n't known that I was going to be presented with such a large sum .
9 I had told him that I was going to Bulith Wells , near where my parents lived , and he had agreed to drop me there .
10 So the next message that I was going to or the next thing I was concerned about really , was on page
11 But shortly after I came out of hospital , I dreamt that I was going to be executed .
12 ‘ Especially when I was shutting myself away until two or three in the morning , so that I was absolutely certain that I was going to be able to go into the studio a few hours later and deliver something that was believable and complete . ’
13 I think I wanted to convince myself that I was going to be all right because if I did n't and if I stopped to think about what was really going on , I would have been a mess .
14 And I knew that I was going to be all right .
15 I regarded it as a very happy accident that I went to U.C.L. to study English , not knowing at the time that I was going to a Department and to a College distinguished for English language studies .
16 I really had to decide that I was going to , you know , it was really worth going .
17 I started it basically on my own initiative and I said that for six months I would use it on people that I was going to sentence just to maintain a one judge control over the project and see how it was going .
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