Example sentences of "[that] i [vb past] [to-vb] in " in BNC.

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1 But the great hikes we undertake on our holidays , usually in the Highlands of Scotland , or some other bleak , wet , cold hill country that I got to know in the days when I used to go climbing by myself ( and there 's another subject we might discuss ! ) , habitually entail a complex of discomfort , exhaustion , irritation , confusion , sheer misery and intense exhilaration so closely intertwined that I shall have to leave them to be considered on another occasion .
2 It was only weeks after the speech that I began to read in the press that actually her theme had been positive and she had presented a positive forward view .
3 He glared at me , quite beside himself with rage , and the whole scene seemed so absurd and nothing to do with anything that had really happened , that I began to laugh in a wild , helpless way , snorting through my nose .
4 It was after the boy was born that I came to live in London .
5 Once again I felt the mysterious pleasure of being in an elevated Oxford chamber at night , among cloud and star , — so that I seemed to join in the inevitable motion of the planets , — and as I saw the sea of roofs and horned turrets and spires I knew that , although architecture is a dead language , here at least it speaks strongly and clearly , pompous as Latin , subtle as Greek .
6 ‘ As soon as I was introduced to the concept of the Dewhurst Tennis Academy , ’ said Mr Dick , ‘ and its sole directive to produce champions , I knew that I had to assist in this exciting initiative for British tennis ’
7 Whether , of course , I would have taken this view were I to have had someone in my squadron who turned LMF is open to question , When I reflect on the young aircrew that I helped to train in 1940 at Kinloss , some 10 years younger than myself , I marvel that the conversation stage was the last stint before they were to confront a highly lethal opponent .
8 It 's just that I needed to get in touch with my feelings . ’
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