Example sentences of "[that] i [vb past] [vb pp] in " in BNC.

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1 Then a film that I 'd made in India opened , and the producer of the film gave me a list of agents ' names , and said , ‘ You are going to be a star .
2 So , there 's me , in agony with me ankle , hobbling over to the hole that I 'd made in the wall of the office .
3 But it had all happened so quickly — and I knew so little about you — except that I 'd fallen in love with you . ’
4 ‘ It was in Kabul that I got caught in a safe house , ’ another term he 'll always think of differently , ‘ by the secret police and I was put in prison .
5 And against all sense and credibility I worked out that I had landed in the midst of what might be called a farmstead , Fraxilly-style .
6 Petra surpassed anything that I had visualised in my kitchen fantasy-life .
7 It was not with my reason that I had fallen in love with him and come to live with him , but it was with my reason that I was going to leave him .
8 ‘ The first time I met her , while I was working for him , I think she knew that I had fallen in love with him and yet she was kinder to me than anyone I 've ever known .
9 It was sad for me that I had fallen in love with someone who did not love me , but it was not an experience I cared to repeat — for more and better reasons than the fear of pain .
10 It seemed a very personal and special wave — the kind that I had seen in my mind 's eye in a night of tangled dreaming .
11 Admission into the complex followed a similar pattern to that I had seen in the English prisons : searches , registration , allocation , different coloured uniforms for the various categories of prisoner , etc .
12 This was the first time in my life that I had lived in deep country , without easy access to shops , transport and people I knew .
13 I had to lift my gaze from the old dashboard that I had sat in front of for more than sixty years to a new one , and the only new one I knew of displayed the dials and instruments of what is called holistic medicine and which at that time I took to be something I knew virtually nothing about .
14 I had to go upstairs and take the uniform off to brush it , as otherwise it would have been deduced that I had sat in the chair of a gentleman .
15 I was desperate to prevent the angry outburst that I had expected in the restaurant happening here , in this even more public place .
16 He had such a talent for self-dramatisation that I would n't have put it past him , on finding that plunger , to have invented the whole thing — except that I had watched in horror as he deliberately forced the wretched mestizo over the edge , thrusting at his face with that dummy hand until he had disappeared into the gorge below .
17 ‘ This looks like a good job , ’ I though , unaware that I had arrived in the middle of Danny Baker 's leaving party .
18 The discipline that I had experienced in my schools in Kingston was just not there .
19 ‘ Your reflections , ’ Hope cried out to the apparently enraptured merchant , ‘ set off my own — as do all the most acute thoughts , scattering from the hand like seeds , each of which can take on a life of its own , and I confess that I became absorbed in those great matters of morality and commerce raised by your eloquent conversation . ’
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