Example sentences of "[that] i [modal v] [vb infin] [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 But erm , it was suggested about a year or so before I left , that I might take what was called The Gardeners Scholarship to erm The Royal College for the Blind , which in those days was at erm Upper Norwood S E nineteen and erm so erm I had no objections , I did n't , I did n't see any future at all in it anyway , but erm I took this erm scholarship examination , went up to the R N C to work erm some papers and to be interviewed and erm , much to my surprise they erm offered me one of these scholarships which was worth forty pounds a year for three years in the Commercial Department of the College which was an innovation really as erm primarily a College of Music for erm blind students and erm so off I went to the R N C of sixteen and erm did my three year course and got erm some R S A certificates and erm was reasonably successful I suppose I , perhaps I was n't as diligent as I should have been .
2 I was now completely in the dark and it was here that I would shoot whatever film I had onto the skirting board of my makeshift cinema .
3 Breathe on me breath of God , fill me with life anew , that I may love what thou dost love , and do what thou wouldst do .
4 Okay let's have a look at that I 'll tell what we 'll do I 'll I 'll suggest a couple of exercises in that for you to work through .
5 ‘ Of course , the twins are well past the nappy stage — or I imagine they must be — and , since I 've promised Liz that I 'll look after them , you can be sure that I 'll do what I can . ’
6 And believe me when I tell you that I 'll do whatever I have to do to make you stay here . ’
7 A murmur which seemed to contain both relief and triumph went around the table , but this time M. Dupont raised his voice slightly and pronounced over it : ‘ I am happy to assure you all here that I will bring what modest influence I have to encourage certain changes of emphasis in French policy in accordance with much of what has been said here .
8 And the boatman said : ‘ Tell me which boat it is so that I will know which boat not to look under . ’
9 ‘ You know , Charlie my boy , from the way you says that I can tell what you really want is the dirt .
10 It is a right I reserve for all adults and one of the nicest things about being my age is that I can do whatever I like .
11 I do n't want to be tied , I want to leave my options free so that I can do whatever I want , I do n't need the extra responsibility , I mean I 'd like them but I just , I want my career first .
12 The argument also assumes ( b ) that I can understand what it is for others to have mental states .
13 And that 's where these certificates are the only guarantee that I can provide which will actually say well if we get fifteen percent inflation in nineteen ninety seven , they will pay fifteen p percent inflation , plus the three and a half percent three and a quarter percent bonus .
14 I also know how to get the red-tailed buzzard out of a tree at night , so if it flies off I stay by the tree in which it settles until dark , then I go and fetch sticks and a torch so that I can see what I 'm doing .
15 I want to be out on a limb with my back to the water so that I can see what the rest of the world is doing .
16 ‘ If the driver who hit him knows that he hit him , I would urge him to come forward just so that I can know what happened . ’
17 Interested , I asked him to whack my bottom with the same instrument and urged him to do it properly so that I could feel what it was like — he did so and I was only just able to restrain my tears it hurt so much .
18 Would that I could undo what has been done . ’
19 ‘ So , although that album kind of jumped the tracks for the band , it allowed me to feel that I could do whatever sprung to mind , whatever made sense for me .
20 Dragging the pad towards him he found a clean page and wrote : Dear Harsnet , I know you never answer my letters or return my calls , and I know that you handed over your notes to me on the understanding that I could do what I liked with them and not bother you , but I have to say that while there is much in them that I admire , as I will always admire much in you , no matter what , there is also much in them that seems to me to be puerile and , to put it mildly , bigoted .
21 I could not get over the fact that people were giving me the responsibility of telling them how to get me up , and that I could choose what time I went to bed !
22 I spent a good while asking for something written down so that I could see what I was and was n't supposed to do , but that was a forlorn hope .
23 A few months later he decided not to publish the book but with tremendous generosity said that I could use whatever I wanted from it .
24 ‘ I knew J B Priestley a bit and he once suggested to me that I should do what he did in the Thirties , which was to take a trip around Britain talking to people .
25 I had some dim idea that I should see what sort of creatures these whores were , so that I might find out what I was .
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