Example sentences of "[that] was [v-ing] on [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They glanced at Tabitha encumbered with Perks , forcing their claws from her arms , standing on one foot trying to shake one that was hanging on to her leg .
2 She 'd come every two weeks to see me , she used to tell me everything that was going on with Natasha , and we built a very strong relationship up .
3 We have an excellent reputation in Oxfordshire as an Education Authority erm and a reputation which extends around the country , so I do see it as a vote of confidence , and I am very pleased about it , but I do think that the whole exercise was somewhat premature in the light of the erm research and investigation that was going on into the tertiary college , and indeed the consulting process actually ran through at the same time as the campaign was running on whether the Banbury School should opt out , and erm regrettably I think has lost something as a result of having the two run together .
4 In the struggle and confusion that was going on in my heart I knew that he loved me and I loved him , but I also knew that I must leave him !
5 The one thing that was going on in Christ Church was good — did you see the exhibition , the exhibition
6 It was n't that I was n't listening , I heard him all right ; but I was busy with my own thoughts , or , rather , my own feelings — the two were inextricably mixed together at this moment — and what he said was merely a background to the tumult that was going on inside me .
7 I just stood and stared for a few moments amid all the activity that was going on around the wounded Lovat .
8 I saw David shovelling more and more , he was getting more tired , more irritable , more run-down and less able to control the madness that was going on around him .
9 Karloff recalled the chaos that was going on around him : ‘ When we started filming , the removal men came to take away the sets .
10 Others said it must have been that girl who worked here , the one who was the German officer 's mistress , she knew everything that was going on around here .
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