Example sentences of "[that] it [was/were] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 It seems clear then that the Formalist position on all these issues ( authors , reality and ideas ) is not just an arbitrary preference , but that it stems from the concepts of defamiliarisation and literariness , whose differential basis will always serve to define literature in opposition to the things that it was traditionally viewed as expressing .
2 Of the Scottish Daily News , the study finds that it was inadequately financed from the outset ; was poorly equipped ; so applied the principle of workers ' control as to make ‘ executive decision taking impossible if not farcical ’ ; and produced an unacceptable product .
3 And ‘ that it was strongly recommended that Operation Majestic 12 be kept accountable only to the president of the United States ’ .
4 Occasionally a museum will learn through new dating techniques , or chemical analysis , that a specimen has been wrongly identified and thus should be discarded , or even more rarely , that it was improperly acquired .
5 We may say of each braking that it was alternatively required for the effect , and that the effect alternatively required each braking .
6 Hammicks , which had promised to match prices elsewhere , found that it was rarely called on to do so .
7 to me that it would be perverse of us to fall into the trap if we were to do so of endorsing Policy E two and not know that what we were endorsing was in fact what the Secretary of State specifically rejected on the grounds perhaps that it was unduly restricted or detailed or inappropriate for some of those other reasons that are set out in the earlier part of that notice of approval .
8 The term ‘ buggery ’ , for example , derives from the religious as well as sexual nonconformity of an eleventh-century Bulgarian sect which practised the Manichaean heresy and refused to propagate the species ; the OED tells us that it was later applied to other heretics , to whom abominable practices were also ascribed .
9 Both the smallness of his fine of £2,000 and the fact that it was later remitted in return for a loan of £10,000 to James I provide early testimony of his value to the government .
10 So dominant was the Weybridge bowl that it was later accused of stifling the development of racing car design in the UK .
11 What must be noted here is that much of the strength of the political ethos propagated in prewar years rested on its incorporation and distortion of concepts and assumptions whose origins were far back in Japanese history , and which were broadly unquestioned by the majority of the population ; and that it was firmly integrated with the social system and standard code of morality and behaviour .
12 One special feature of the materials is the fact that it was thoroughly tried and tested by the authors and their colleagues over a number of years before reaching its present form .
13 The advent of the boiled bait , not too long before the hair-rig , married very well to this new technique , for it later became apparent that the success of the hair-rig owed a lot to the fact that it was generally used with boilies .
14 Even if we disregard the sporadic use of violence against the movement , and its infiltration by spies and agents provocateurs , it is clear that it was generally considered by the controlling bodies of universities and by party politicians as an illegitimate form of political action , even though its principal aim was to extend democratic participation in one of the most important institutions ( both economically and culturally ) of modern society , and in many cases it succeeded in enlivening academic studies , as well as improving methods of teaching and assessment .
15 After an arduous approach march they reached Heraklion airfield , but found that it was well guarded .
16 She reported that it was well written and the product of an expert .
17 Seven editors rejected it despite several reviewers indicating that it was well written .
18 The Chairman welcomed the members present at the meeting and was pleased to see that it was well attended .
19 The ILP had shrunk to a small faction by 1940 , its only significance being that it was well represented in the Commons .
20 I shall not repeat what I said to the Government of India , but it is perfectly fair to say that it was well taken .
21 Mr. Langley on behalf of the Bank of England submitted that the basis of the injunction was the relationship of confidence subsisting between the Bank and its customer , and that it was well established that the duty of confidence was overridden by the duty to comply with the law , as shown by Reg. v. Inland Revenue Commissioners , Ex parte Taylor ( No. 2 ) [ 1989 ] 3 All E.R.
22 She told Vanity Fair that it was well known in Washington that President Bush had had an extra-marital affair .
23 This reveals a close understanding of the phenomenon and shows that it was well known even at this early date .
24 She had been adopted as a small child by the counsellor 's wife , now dead — so said my companion , adding that it was well known that she would marry Victor , and so come into a deal of money .
25 Carlos Abadia , leader of the broad-based opposition movement National Civic Crusade ( NCC ) , claimed that it was well known that Ford wished to stand for the presidency in 1994 and that he wished to give up his ministerial post " to reduce the political pressure on him " .
26 Except to say that it was scrupulously chosen , as was usual with Eliot , I forget what we ate on the occasion : we had so much to talk about .
27 ‘ The fact that it was eventually reinstated was not the point , ’ said Davies .
28 [ Around 1800 ] persons … were enabled by their skill and industry to maintain themselves and families in a state of comfort and respectability ; and to keep their own houses and pay taxes , scot and lot , and contribute towards the maintenance of other persons in their profession , who were either sick or in distress , so that it was scarcely known that any person in this trade ever applied for parochial relief .
29 The worst bits in the book raise a suspicion that it was hastily written , or not rigorously edited : ‘ I mean , we were teenagers .
30 He admits that he took the vehicle , but says that it was already damaged when he got in or that it was not damaged when he left the scene and that it must have been damaged by someone who took it later .
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