Example sentences of "[that] it is the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm feel that it is the remit of this council , or indeed other district councils to talk about the whole of the county of Cambridgeshire , particularly when they start mucking around with issues well outside their own geographical area .
2 ‘ I am glad to tell you , ’ said Napoleone Lomellini , ‘ that it is the Bastard 's intention to lift the siege of Famagusta .
3 Female frogs will readily approach loudspeakers broadcasting frog calls , demonstrating that it is the call alone that attracts them .
4 From the analysis of Section 6–4 we can deduce that it is the conjunction of the distortion with non-unitary income elasticities that is especially important .
5 The person who acts like a chicken or conducts an orchestra for the stage hypnotist may be play acting , or he may genuinely feel that it is the hypnotist , not himself , who is taking responsibility for his actions .
6 All those who argue that it is the medium not the message that characterizes this revolution are , in my view , entirely wrong .
7 The use of I in the paraphrase suggests moreover that it is the speaker who somehow sees himself before the infinitive event because it implies that he has not yet realized his desire .
8 It is clear that it is the presence of imperfect information transmission that smooths the abrupt deterioration in reputation .
9 This elite , otherwise referred to by Mrs Whitehouse as the ‘ humanist lobby ’ , is left in no doubt by her that it is the influence of their humanism to which she most vociferously objects :
10 Even when parents strongly disapprove of the way their teenager is behaving , it is still important to make it clear that it is the behaviour and not the person that is being rejected .
11 We all believe that it is the faculty of language which has enabled the human race to develop diverse cultures , each with its distinctive social customs , religious observances , laws , oral traditions , patterns of trading , and so on .
12 Just because it is so common that it is regarded as ‘ normal ’ to expect chronic ill health with advancing years does that mean that it is the way things have to be or , indeed , should be ?
13 This bottom-up approach may well be a very fruitful way of trying to understand what language is and how it works , but that does not mean that it is the best way to teach a language , or that it is the way we use a language when we do know it .
14 This suggests feminism is crucial to attain women 's real and recognised participation in development , and that it is the way forward for women 's development .
15 After all , the median voter rule suggests that it is the way in which the middle two voters in the income distribution vote that determines the outcome of a rich or poor majority .
16 According to the hylemorphic theory of the scholastics , each individual thing or substance is a combination of ‘ matter ’ ( hyle ) and ‘ form ’ ( morphe ) , and it is because something has the form it has , that it is the kind of thing it is .
17 Suppose we believe that the snow is what is muffling the sound of the traffic , or that flipping the switch made the windscreen wipers start to work , or that it is the position of the car 's heater that accounts for the driver 's left knee being warm .
18 To return to one of our initial examples , consider the belief that it is the position of the car 's heater that accounts for the driver 's left knee being warm .
19 It might be rash to conclude that all that represents a rejection of radicalism ; better , perhaps , to say that it is the sense of radicalism itself that changed .
20 The group formed by let and the following infinitive is so close in these uses that it is the equivalent of a single verb : let fall corresponds to drop , let know to inform , etc .
21 It is best collapsed sideways so that it is the shape of one airfoil end .
22 The absence of a retarded signal in lane 2 confirms that it is the cDNA which is bound to the NCp7 in lanes 4–5 .
23 Appendix 10.1 provides the analysis of the scores and it should be noticed that it is the ratio of A and B scores that is significant , not the absolute values .
24 It seems likely that it is the ratio of anaerobes to pathogenic aerobic bacteria that determines the magnitude of pathological change in the established reservoir .
25 The answer is that it is mundane , but that it is the addition to these tasks of fluctuations in the level of activity which causes the problem .
26 In this account , Lévi-Strauss uses the ‘ hero 's journey ’ to self-analysis in the field as a means of achieving or engendering knowledge ( see also Caplan 1988 ) ; emphasizing that it is the journey to self-awareness itself , and not the arrival , which is the most important aspect of the rite de passage .
27 Nuclear Metals says , however , that the behaviour of the alloys is ‘ controversial … we are not 100 per cent convinced that it is the titanium alloy itself which is at fault — it may be the environment , ’ Don King of Nuclear Metals told New Scientist .
28 Hilton calls this stage the ‘ reformation of faith ’ and declares that it is the bedrock and indispensable preparation for the mystical life .
29 Bugey is one of those lost corners of France , a hilly region to the north-east of Lyon , around the town of Bellay , whose only claim to fame is that it is the birthplace of the French gastronome , Brillat-Savarin .
30 Another claim to fame by the village is that it is the birthplace of authoress Winifred Holtby , who sadly died in 1935 at the age of 37 and is buried in the churchyard here .
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