Example sentences of "[that] it [be] only [conj] " in BNC.

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1 I suppose that it 's only when you have the financial means that you get the treatment everyone deserves .
2 I dare say , though , knowing you as I do , that it 's only because you 've thought up some other diabolical vengeance to inflict on me . ’
3 It 's worth noting , colleagues , that it 's only because of the determination of our members to ensure that their already meagre standard of living and basic rates are not further eroded that even this small achievement has been possible .
4 You should also bear in mind that it is only once you have reached the end of the road in trying to obtain satisfaction through the Bank 's own complaints system that the Ombudsman will be able to formally consider your complaint .
5 Warlow pointed out , quite correctly , that this is not the sort of inversion we should be looking at : if the Earth flipped over in this way the Sun would still rise in the east , whereas there are legends that , before the ( undescribed ) catastrophe , the Sun rose in the west , and that it is only since that catastrophe that the Sun has risen in the east .
6 Let us pretend that it is only that Grainne is too far above me , and let us continue the pretence , for I do not think I can bear it any other way .
7 and I think we must recognise that it is only that many of the questions and questionnaire had they been displayed of what they wanted to propose .
8 They are also happy to accept that it is only because we have these mental states that we behave as we do .
9 In fact the wording of the Act makes it clear that it is only as mothers that women are given priority in the public sector .
10 Therefore , even if complex real-world situations can only be represented by complex models , the proponents of the object-oriented model argue that it is only as it need be to represent these situations on computers and to manipulate those representations for the purpose of processing queries .
11 We remember the pain and suffering of millions who have died throughout the ‘ Third World ’ , fighting for the most basic of human rights , and we reflect shamefully on the fact that it is only when the US and their allies face the prospect of their own children dying that this war is truly acknowledged .
12 Basically that it 's there to be enjoyed and that it is only when you enjoy it that you play at your best — I always enjoy my cricket .
13 A simpler interpretation is that the experimenters have rediscovered what Lashley ( 1950 ) showed many years ago , that partial removal of the cortical area to which the dorsal lateral geniculate body projects , has remarkably little effect on simple form discrimination tasks and that it is only when the entire cortical projection zone is removed that severe deficits , detectable in the simple behavioural paradigms we use , emerge .
14 The second is that it is only when people think about what the visual system does in the real world that they begin to study it appropriately .
15 Everything I have learnt teaches me that it is only when you work with rather than against people that achievement and lasting success is possible .
16 However , I shall argue that it is only when they do point in the same direction that conditions are suitable for the development of intelligent beings who can ask the question : why does disorder increase in the same direction of time as that in which the universe expands ?
17 The prevailing value system suggests that it is only if you have paid in full for what you receive that you fully deserve to have it .
18 I was so caught up in what I was seeing that it was only when I reached the top of the close where they lived that I started to think again about what I was doing there , and it was then that my feelings of fear started .
19 Lionel Luyt told me that it was only when he reached Europe a few years later that he realized how far ahead of his South African contemporaries John had been , doing things which he must have invented for himself because he had not had the chance to see them put into practice by others .
20 The twist to this story is that it was only when the gods lost patience and threatened to draw a veil of darkness across the proceedings , leaving me stranded high and wet ( and rather chilled ) on one of the most rugged landscapes in the land , that I at last took the chance and accepted the offer that had been proffered .
21 The Japanese historian Irokawa Daikichi has suggested that it was only when the economic plight of the early 1880s failed to respond to this conventional morality that some of the lower classes were forced to break out of their limitations in the violent incidents of the time .
22 Unfortunately , Gail had n't realised that it was only because Mr Elder had only been in Hospital for so long , that he was overjoyed to see her and him wanting to kiss her was completely innocent .
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