Example sentences of "[that] it [be] [adv] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 you , I bet you if your John if if if he said that it 's mostly blacks !
2 I I it 's clearly the defendants case that it 's not malpractice and as Mr is undoubtedly going to say .
3 Finally Northern Ireland shows that there has been decline in output over the preceding four months and the only region t t to say that erm it 's fair to say that North Northern Ireland has been a weak region throughout er the recession erm and although in this survey optimism has climbed up a bit so it 's close to the U K average , it 's nevertheless a part of the U K which has really been behaving er rather differently from the rest of the economy reflecting its sort of , i its particular problems and the fact that it 's not part of the mainland economy .
4 Most people who live in the street agree that it 's not children from their road who are the culprits .
5 To say that it 's not value for money , how can you .
6 I mean I think I 'd like to comment on the way some of the discussion was going earlier , because although it 's true that it 's largely men who are seen as creating the problem , there are certainly large numbers of men in positions of authority in the university who are very concerned about it , and who have been led to re-examine their own behaviour , and who now comment on how uncomfortable and constrained they themselves feel .
7 But I have to admit that in the past I have been offended by people saying that it 's just formula for me to play melodies and structures that come to me very naturally .
8 I found that it is the planning of this , that it 's also choir rehearsals , and certain school activities that do clash .
9 You can work on a presumption , a prebonderance of probabilities or whatever , but I mean what you can not do is take it that it 's absolutely fact that that is going to happen .
10 The worst thing about infidelity is that it 's usually death to a relationship .
11 Which is why the eternal words , ‘ Do you think that it 's about time we started a family ? ’ rarely fall from men 's lips .
12 When reviewers criticise software for not including such a facility the manufacturers often reply that it 's only journalists who are interested in this feature and that ‘ ordinary users ’ find a word count irrelevant .
13 When you if if you think about a country of song you might think of Wales , but anybody visiting Ireland will know that it 's really Ireland 's got to be a country of song because if you go there you 've got to sing .
14 That 's why it 's so tempting to think that it 's always women erm because power is in the hands of men on the whole , especially in this university .
15 He not only attacks the SEC for being politically grounded , suggesting that the SEC 's limited resources are being focused on those least in favour with the enforcement agency , but by adopting the Stigler ‘ interest theory ’ of regulation , he argues that if one were to look for the supporters of anti-insider dealing provisions , one would find that it is neither society nor the markets , but the SEC itself .
16 The hovercraft has always suffered from the fact that it is neither fish nor fowl .
17 Pretending that general practice is something that it is not runs the risk of people remarking on the emperor 's new suit of clothes .
18 I will continue Mr Mayor that it is not meanness it is practical caring Conservative policy to ensure that this happens .
19 President Bush claimed , during the election campaign , that his ‘ dog Millie knew more about foreign policy than Bill Clinton ’ and there is much evidence to suggest that it is not Clinton 's strongest card .
20 I have been quoted as saying that it is not birth , marriage , or death , but gastrulation which is truly ‘ the important event in your life ’ .
21 And if it be objected that A may act first ( against B ) and explain why afterwards , whereupon B acts to C 's detriment , the answer is that it is not A's act which has caused C 's loss but the implied threat that it will be repeated .
22 I have to , I have to make it er perfectly clear that it is not part of the official business of the meeting .
23 In this way the lawyer has a part to play within political movements , such as the peace movement , while acknowledging that it is not law alone that can bring about the changes we desire , but it is that movement as a whole that can and must do so .
24 What is significant , however , is that it is not Peter , but Jesus 's brother James who presides over the ‘ Church ’ in Jerusalem .
25 Mr Wakeley feels that it is not cost effective to use more machines : ‘ You ca n't have all your staff training at the same time .
26 It is concluded that oesophageal transection and gastric devascularisation confers no benefit over endoscopic sclerotherapy in terms of long term survival and that it is not cost effective as judged by the current health care costs in the United Kingdom .
27 It goes without saying that it is not £75,000 in respect of each but the total earnings ’ figure which must not exceed £75,000 .
28 Because the choice of opting out is largely represented to parents , former pupils and the local community as a means of securing a better financial arrangement from the DES than has been possible with the local authority , it is sometimes argued that it is not ethos or education but funding which alone lies at the heart of the decision .
29 It is important to emphasise again that it is not dominance in itself which is contrary to Article 86 , but the abuse of that dominance .
30 If there is dilution of over 5% , the fully diluted earnings per share should be disclosed or the fact that it is not material should be stated .
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