Example sentences of "[that] it [adv] have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Specialix also admits the move to Unix System Labs ' Unix SVR4 has n't gone smoothly as planned , saying that it unexpectedly had to rewrite several device drivers for OEM versions .
2 Therefore , take what occurs around the 29th or thereabouts as a definite sign or signal from the heavens that not only must life go on , but that it also has to get better and better .
3 The point was that it basically has to come from yourself and if you feel funny about yourself , then maybe you should go to the root of what 's making you feel funny as opposed to just taking downers and then taking uppers .
4 She 's miserable that it all has to end .
5 StorageTek says that it too had put some money up for the development and would have marketed the product even without buying the company — although the Viking was seen as a direct competitor to its own Iceberg , Viking is in fact a simpler device with fewer features .
6 Now scientists are saying that the land itself is foreign and that it too has travelled vast distances across ancient oceans — at the rate of some 25 cm a year .
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