Example sentences of "[that] we can [verb] thing " in BNC.

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1 How can we appeal to part time workers and convince them that we can change things for the better , many of whom are home workers who are working in appalling conditions and often for less than fifty pence an hour ?
2 It 's that sort of change that I think is extremely significant , and I think it happens for women very much at that stage , when they have been through those sorts of experiences themselves , so one way in which I think that we can change things is — and help people to change things for themselves — is very much to support and develop those kinds of second change erm access , returning to education , returning to work , type projects as very much part of mainstream education and employment , and I would like to see a much greater range of those sorts of projects available for people and erm a lot more government resources into supporting that kind of provision .
3 Maybe we ought to hope that more people will be angry in ways that actually mean that we can change things .
4 In contrast , ‘ this time we can be better prepared … this is a time for doing the thinking , so that we can make things how we want them to be ’ .
5 We have proved that we can get things done .
6 I mean we ca n't go into the private market and expect them or asking them to provide houses erm affordable houses as I say the question is what 's an affordable house , who 's got the money to buy the house I would presume , but obviously we know the situation is it 's the lower rent of market , the lower income groups and the unemployed that are suffering very much reasonable accommodation at a rent or at a price they can afford and I reckon this is what hopefully the government was after to say whether we 'll put in our policy and hope that we can get things .
7 But I find it hard to accept that all our land should be so buttoned up , and that we should allow ourselves the arrogant and indulgent belief — against every lesson in history — that we can run things better than nature .
8 So please let us know if you have any problems at all so that we can put things right .
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