Example sentences of "[that] we [adv] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 That is , crossing the International Date Line means that we either gain a day ( eastwards crossing ) or lose one ( westwards crossing ) .
2 The process has become so refined that we even had a section called ‘ Oenology ’ , though it must be admitted that this eventually had to be re-named to ‘ Study of Wine . ’
3 Not only are the technical and organizational problems huge but it is not clear that we even have the intellectual concepts needed to talk about the issues we face .
4 The down side is that we probably have the toughest Xmas/New Year you could image ( excluding Crewe ! ! ) .
5 There is an uncertainty in the sense that we today observe the universe to be in a state of expansion , that is the most distant galaxies and clusters and galaxies are all receding from one another at a high speed , which actually increases as you look farther and farther away from us .
6 I told her that we already had the tape and that she would have nothing to do but be there and play the role .
7 Let us assume that we already know the size of sample , the type of respondent ( child , housewife , air traveller , etc. ) , whether or not questions are to be asked on more than one occasion , whether there are likely to be seasonal fluctuations , whether the study is to be factual or attitudinal or both , and so on .
8 My bill falls into two parts , one which deals with the need for a full franchise it is sometimes mistakenly believed that we already have a full franchise in this country , but whereas legislation was passed in the past in order to extend the franchise , in recent years we have let matters slip considerably on the methods that are used for registration and no longer can we claim to have that full franchise .
9 We should n't forget either though that we already have a Social Chapter from the ni nineteen eighty seven Act , it 's not to be sniffed at , it 's given us the directive on the protection of pregnant women at work .
10 The problem here though and the show is quietly and very deliberately subtitled ‘ Lesbians take photographs ’ is that we rarely see a pairing of two sleek , longhaired and long-legged blondes .
11 ‘ We , the undersigned , wish it to be known that we utterly condemn the evil and inhuman system of slave labour .
12 ‘ Although tennis was formally reinstated as an Olympic sport in 1981 , it was n't until 1987 , some four years after David had died , that we finally persuaded the IOC to allow all tennis players , including the professionals , to be eligible to compete , ’ he recalls .
13 Although we may claim that we simply publish an objective report , the inference that exceptional evil existed during the occupation of Kuwait will naturally be made by those trying to justify the devastating Allied bombardment of Iraq , now retrospectively .
14 Nathan and I are quite alone , many miles from civilization and , apparently , lost , the wind having blown snow across the tracks ahead suggests that we just let the dogs lead us towards the others , a well-reasoned idea that works perfectly .
15 Sorry , and it is this one that we just got an update on .
16 Then we come onto the , the real sort of erm bread-and-butter forecasting world , and erm as you rightly say , most people are , think that we just do the radio and television forecasting , erm perhaps read the newspapers and see the forecasts there , but there 's much more to it than that .
17 Not that I 'm suggesting that we should be soft when children do wrong but that we just reverse the ratio of our attention and energy from the negative to the positive .
18 I was supposed to be trying to show you that we also had a language , but that it was different from yours . ’
19 In addition to this , I think it is appropriate that we also take the opportunity to look ahead to the next three year phase , the developing work load of the adviser and the future development of FWAG in Lothian .
20 It says : ’ Such concentration on meeting the Government guarantee , and use of funds originally earmarked for other purposes for YT , inevitably means that other aspects of our proposed programme may suffer and that we also neglect the long term development of Youth Training itself . ’
21 … not only on account of the manner of its content but also on account of the manner of its distribution , have the effect of a red rag upon the Gallic bull ; … it is important that we should be the party attacked and this Gallic overweening and touchiness will make us if we announce in the face of Europe … that we fearlessly meet the public threats of France …
22 It 's much better , I feel , from the public 's point of view , for us simply to say ‘ Yes , I think although it will be cloudy until the latter end of the morning that we confidently expect the sun to break through , and then when it 's through it 'll stay with us through the afternoon .
23 ( By which , of course , I do n't mean that we dis believe that we have them : merely that we mostly have no belief either way about what beliefs we have . )
24 Wedgie suggested that we urgently need an inner Cabinet of four : Chancellor , Foreign Secretary , Lord President and Secretary of State for Economic Affairs with , of course , the PM .
25 Bob , er I take it that you know the suggestion that we perhaps name the er thing , this particular thing , you know the centenary fields or something like that , you know is a very good suggestion , but I think perhaps the council ought to do something .
26 ‘ I mean that we still follow the old custom of behaving courteously to our family and friends .
27 A closer look at the supposed benefits of object-oriented technology reveals that we still have a long way to go to realise them fully .
28 The fact is that we still have a great deal to learn about the skills that animals use to find their way around their own home ranges and to travel the globe .
29 More than half a dozen British Press awards as ‘ Sports Writer of the Year ’ , and four Sports Council tributes embracing both ‘ Best Sports Feature Writer ’ and ‘ Best Overall Sports Writer ’ have gone to McIlvanney , yet he glumly agrees with my own feeling that we still have a distance to go before achieving respectability .
30 Previously , the Minister has said that we still have a surplus of dairy products , which is true , but there is not a steady weekly or monthly supply of milk .
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