Example sentences of "[that] we [verb] on [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Wealth , on the other hand , by the power it bestows , deceives us into believing that we depend on ourselves only .
2 And another senior colleague Steve Mcleod on my right , whose primary responsibility is with the value for money work that we undertake on your behalf .
3 Our human digestive system has a struggle with such things as alcohol , but we are resilient and are rather good at detoxifying the many dubious substances that we inflict on our long-suffering internal organs .
4 All these tips can be very useful in relieving some of the stress that we put on ourselves unwittingly .
5 Internal ‘ drivers ’ are additional pressures that we put on ourselves at work and at home .
6 I was recently talking to the mother of a four year old boy about his progress at learning his letters , when I realized just how responsible and vulnerable she felt about his lack of progress , and that started me thinking about the educational process and the pressures that we put on ourselves and our children to succeed .
7 The generations of this century will , in their turn , hand on to the next generation the archaic unconscious problems , unless the guilt becomes too strong , the rebellion so great , the need to kill and be killed so overwhelming that we hand on nothing at all .
8 Few of us truly enjoy administrative work , and the time that we spend on it is lost from direct contact with our patients — or our families .
9 That 's the first one , the second er point is , that we have on our agenda on eleven D er , the Three Hills re er , redevelopment and er we have er the er association here to erm to make a presentation .
10 Erm , just to go back a wee bit to the thing about th the image and and the fight that we have on our hands er , to actually break into the media , I do n't , I think people underestimate the control an and er the feeling that men have that it 's their game and we 're not gon na take it away from them !
11 But at the moment it is essential that we work on what we bring with us when we enter these conflict situations .
12 ‘ Just because Luke and I share a close personal relationship it does n't mean that we agree on everything .
13 If we now ask how we are able to get any grasp of the explanatory role of class strategy in Poulantzas ' theory , the answer is that we rely on our everyday , voluntarist understanding of it .
14 ‘ Harvey is so anxious that we live on his income .
15 All at once the range of plants we can grow has extended to include many of the magically evocative creatures that we encounter on our annual run for the sun .
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