Example sentences of "[that] we [verb] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Suppose I suggest to you that we stop part of your wages to help pay for the damage to the china and to Mrs Darrell 's dignity , and you promise to be good in future ? ’
2 It seems hard to believe that we flower children of the 1960s and 1970s never doubted for a second that we would eventually find fulfilling jobs .
3 I would like to think that we 've pass for two hundred and fifty , subject to Trevor being satisfied .
4 Within the training our goal is that we know worship to be a lifestyle .
5 It was with much sadness that we received news from Molly of the sudden death of Peggy Secord 's husband while they were in Italy .
6 Several correspondents have written to me at different times expressing the wish that we join forces in order to become more effective .
7 A constant theme in Schüssler Fiorenza 's work is that we draw strength for our struggle from our knowledge of the past .
8 It was , however , after Palace had acquired Cliff Holton and Dickie Dowsett that we saw Allen at his vintage best , spraying the passes and plying the crosses from which those big fellows scored the goals which first of all kept us in Division Three , and then took us up to the 2nd Division in 1963–64 .
9 I feel sure that the German Luftwaffe must have looked at it especially the leaders , and saw where the Eighth Airforce hit and seeing what we did and gave them some thought and consideration , actually with our Bomb Group going in we had no fighter attacks on the way in over the target , we had flack but we did not have air opposition , then on the way back we crossed the Danish peninsula and I think of course by this time the Luftwaffe knew we were coming back that way , and they had the fighters up there and this was our first time being on this mission that we saw air to air combat with the fighters against the flying fortress and in our ammunition , in our guns there , every fifth bullet was a tracer and it was amazing to me that as the German fighters came in it looked like just a hail of tracers going out but they were able to get in there knock down a B Seventeen and leave , it seemed , unscathed untouched it almost seemed impossible to me that a fighter could go through that many bullets and escape unharmed .
10 But they were some of the ones that we went Swanage with .
11 At a later stage dates were introduced , leading on to consideration of centuries and the reference points that we measure time from , BC , AD , and so on .
12 This means that we contemplate God in our many different moods and emotional conditions .
13 God 's grace transforms our lives so that we become givers of God 's grace to others .
14 In other words , it is due to the work of the Holy Spirit that we become Christians at all .
15 ‘ It was in the late Seventies that we got guys like Saatchi , who looked at art calmly and coldly and treated it as an industry .
16 Unless Yugoslav commanders receive some clear indication that we mean business in Austria their infiltration tactics will lead to an impossible situation . "
17 The the lists that we get range from mediocre to pretty good to excellent .
18 I think one of the biggest problems we 've got or I 've I 've had in the last couple of years is that we 've got so many primary schools that we get children from Spring Gardens and Western are now producing national curriculum information for which Marian has got .
19 ‘ One reason we went with 3i is that we get access to additional funding , ’ Lockwood says .
20 Does she think that we get access to these facilities free of charge ?
21 Right , well if we multiply both sides , we multiply both sides of B right , by this co-efficient lander alright , we get right , lander by T minus one , lander erm right then what we do is that we get beta into lander X T minus one plus lander squared , X T minus two lander cubed , X T minus three , and lander to four X T minus four and so on and so s so on until infinity right .
22 It is undeniable that a novel , as a text , consists entirely of language , and that we gain access to the fictional world only through language .
23 They were looking for the principles of organisation , how it is that we organise things like dots into a meaningful whole Why is it that we tend to see two lines crossing in the middle rather one two than two V's ?
24 But , like observers of cricket , we must not become so engrossed in our analysis of the statistics of the game that we lose sight of the fundamental issues of strategy .
25 We should attend to the fact that knowledge of the external world means representing a lot of facts at once , so many facts that we lose hold of the idea of ‘ representation ’ .
26 But the style is sometimes so impressionistic that we lose track of which island we are on , and to whom we are talking .
27 The insult was so unjust and so gross that we instituted proceedings for libel and extracted — not without difficulty — a full apology and retraction .
28 But I am not sure now that we seek Surere for this . ’
29 That 's what we mean when we say that we make cookers for cooks .
30 That is why it is essential that we make progress with the Bill as quickly as possible , consistent with proper discussion and consultation — not so much consultation as consideration — in the House .
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