Example sentences of "[that] she has [adv] be " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And for all we know Ma might realise that she has n't been to see her . ’
2 To me , the fact that she has n't been heard of again in seventeen years puts a different complexion on it .
3 Mind , I do n't say that she has n't been knocked about a bit …
4 Is the little dark-eyed doe implying that she has n't been haunted , since the moment of their first encounter , with images of our fascinating , leather-jacketed heroine ?
5 Her situation is slightly more complicated in that she has also been in prison .
6 It is — The Under-Secretary of State , the hon. Member for Maidstone ( Miss Widdecombe ) , laughs and cackles , but I have no doubt that she has not been to Archway Tower .
7 Except that it 's significant that she has not been charged with being an accessory to the murder of Stompie Moeketsi er some months ago .
8 Part of her power is that she has always been there for her children , part of her sadness is that they have betrayed that care by what she sees as dereliction of duty .
9 As in Sonia 's case , the Home Office have turned down Prakesh 's application to stay in this country , saying her case has been fully considered , despite the fact that she has never been interviewed by any Home Office officials , and despite the fact that there are compassion circumstances to be considered .
10 What can the orthodox practitioner do if a patient tells him that she has never been well since her husband died some ten years ago ( grief reaction ) or since the dreadful fright she experienced when she had a car crash many years ago ?
11 He is also sure that she has hardly been educated at all .
12 This would probably take her below the pass limit , although all these various low-scoring characteristics are simply symptoms of the single factor that she has recently been left by her husband .
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