Example sentences of "[that] she have [vb pp] up " in BNC.

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1 The guttering that she had bodged up a few months previously had come loose again .
2 When I was a kid , in Hull , my father and mother took me to Hessle to have tea with his boss , and I remember Mother telling me that she had stayed up half the night making me a new sailor suit and saying , ‘ Behave yourself , Bill .
3 They had grown so used to her not joining in that they had not really noticed that she had stayed up there when they came down .
4 She met him emerging from their tall block of apartments as she was returning from work on the Friday evening , having stopped to buy groceries on the way home , her mind flying ahead to Luke 's arrival and all that she planned to say to him now that she had made up her mind to end their affair .
5 Not that she had made up her mind about taking Bridget into her confidence — she would leave that decision until later .
6 Marion whispered and turned away because she could n't bear to be there when something died , when all the love that she had bottled up inside herself evaporated like liquid left out in the sun .
7 as if sensing that she had given up fighting him for the present , fitzAlan released her immediately , frowning down at her distraught face .
8 It seemed rather typical of her luck that she had ended up with the wrong sort of cat , and she could n't help wondering if Miss Hardbroom had made sure that the misfit kitten had been given to Mildred , rather than someone like Ethel .
9 The governor 's pet was found by joggers after fears that she had ended up in a Chinese meal .
10 She disappeared last weekend , sparking a joke from Australia 's Foreign Minister Gareth Evans that she had ended up on the dinner table of Chinese dictator Deng Xiaoping .
11 Matthew wondered whether it was simply a lucky draw from the gene pool that she had ended up with such spectacular looks , or was it the result of years of careful nurturing ?
12 It was clear that she had picked up a lot from the Prince 's own style , especially the self-deprecating wit .
13 Obviously he assumed that she had picked up some instant Romeo , and it was clear from his tone and expression that he condemned her as cheap and shallow .
14 My aunt was explaining that she had come up to visit me .
15 And yet , even though her father had talked to her like one adult to another , as if at last he was ready to acknowledge that she 'd grown up and was making her own decisions , she 'd sensed the undercurrent of despair in what he was saying .
16 You get Ann , senile dementia , they had to get the taps off the gas fire because she kept turning it on and off without it being lit again , found wandering in her nightclothes , injustice , and then we found Eileen , who was in an upstairs room , yes she enjoyed that life for about five years , great council house then she had an accident and then because she could n't re-house her , she was a virtual prisoner inside her own home that she 'd made up .
17 At first I 'd thought that Kāli was joking , that she 'd sneaked up behind me , snatched the karaso and hidden it up her skirt or behind a tree .
18 ‘ So it could hardly have taken you by surprise that she 'd started up life with a different partner . ’
19 ACTRESS Mia Farrow does not have a new man in her life now that she has split up with film director Woody Allen .
20 All the ones that she 'd got , that got low like Hannah and all that she 's phoned up first .
21 in the last one that she 's chained up to that big fat slug thing and they 're all being pushed over the edge of that big pit
22 If you apply to the fund at the beginning of the month you 'll likely to get something , but hard luck if you apply later on in the month , but that she 's taken up as an open letter to Jerry Hayes , but so far I have n't seen it in the press .
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