Example sentences of "[that] she [was/were] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He must have noticed that she was with child .
2 It was a relief to know that she was with Eve Malone for the morning , those two could talk until the cows came home .
3 Rose , whose own profits were already cut to the bone to get the order , knew that she was on trial .
4 She wanted an indication that she was on target for a good performance in the London Marathon on April 21 .
5 The 499 ton salvage tug then sent out a Mayday distress call to the effect that she was on fire and sinking .
6 Joanne had torn a ligament so badly refereeing a basketball match that she was on morphine for a week after hospital surgery , and could n't even walk let alone play golf .
7 The old woman stared at him and her eyes were bright and piercing and the silver thimble had fallen to the lap of her dress , and her fists were clenched now as if she searched for a memory , and her husband watched her anxiously as if he witnessed that she was at war within herself .
8 Naturally nobody would have made this distinction at the time and certainly Julian and all her friends thought that she was at death 's door .
9 Then secure in the knowledge that she was of age by six weeks , she had become Mrs Ziolkiwski — and written to tell Dad so .
10 The court was told that he had killed the girl after taking part in sex play with her and then discovering that she was under age .
11 If only they realized that she was under strain .
12 But he was still under the impression that she was after Peter for his inheritance .
13 Later , at the staff table , Sarah told Catriona and Patrice that she was from New York and that she and her mother were travelling around Europe .
14 She had so clearly implied that of course it was all a charade , but that Conchis must not know it was ; that she was in fancy-dress for him , not for me .
15 As long as I ensured that she was in peak physical condition , it was n't too difficult to get her to fly further the next time .
16 She stated that she was in Cross Street near the Oliver 's shop at about 6.10pm .
17 And although the Marian exiles were hurrying back to England , there was no evidence that she was in sympathy with their Calvinist brand of Protestantism .
18 From the beginning she had never tried to pretend that she was in love , although she was very fond of him , and Fred had told her he was happy that she cared enough for him to become his wife .
19 Did he feel then that she was in love with the role or the person ?
20 The girl had told me that she was a virgin and that she was in love with me .
21 Throughout this , Esther maintained the fiction that she was in love with her older brother Saul , and maintained it so well that not even Alix and Liz knew the truth of the matter .
22 Although she had never said so , his instinct had told him immediately he 'd seen her with Harry that she was in love with the young man — a devastatingly handsome young man — whose manner towards Alice had been affectionate but certainly not lover-like .
23 After a while she explained that she was in love with someone else — not hopelessly ineligible , but not nearly as suitable as my father- and her parents had refused to allow her to see the man .
24 Isabella , Mr Edgar 's sister , a pretty girl of eighteen , suddenly declared that she was in love with Heathcliff .
25 It had taken pain and misery to tell her what she had not learned from happiness — that she was in love with Tom Russell .
26 All the women exclaimed at the sight of the red , pink and white azaleas massed on the steps , but each thought privately that only she could appreciate the true beauty and significance of the flowers — Sophia feeling that here was the essence of the Italy she knew and loved , Penelope experiencing a lift of the heart as if the flowers held a promise of future romantic adventures , Ianthe knowing as she looked at the flower what she had only suspected before — that she was in love with John .
27 I told myself that I could not — that I had to make her admit what we both knew — that she was in love with me , and always had been .
28 It was incredible but true — incredible because she 'd only known Fen for a week — incredible because she 'd begun by disliking him — but true that she was in love with him .
29 In February or March , when spring was waiting to burst out but the trees were still leafless and the earth grey and cold , Sophia used sometimes to pretend that she was in Italy — not necessarily in a beautiful or famous part but perhaps in some obscure little town in the Alban Hills or a dusty coastal village between Naples and Sorrento .
30 And I saw that she was in expert hands .
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