Example sentences of "[that] she [be] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Six million if you do n't mind , ’ was Christy Turlington 's reply to designer Valentino 's suggestion that she was worth a million dollars .
2 Through the glass she saw that she was on a shelf in the potion laboratory and the tall figure of her form-mistress was swirling out of the door .
3 And Violet Hunt , loyally selling copies at half-price in her drawing room , confesses in her memoir I Have This to Say that she was at a loss to explain why the damned were damned , and the blest were blest .
4 At a party in Soho in 1914 Epstein was talking to Beatrice , who made it clear that she was at a loose end in her life .
5 Suddenly , and for almost the first time in her life , apart from in her dreams , Marie felt that she was in a position of power .
6 Afraid to move , she became aware that she was in a strange room , in a bed .
7 But , even while visualizing entering the cupboard , she had at the same time been fully aware that she was in a non-threatening situation ( lying in her own bed ) and so , once again , the subconscious mind had no need to send out those panic signals .
8 professional advice about Elizabeth 's unhappiness was that she was in a state of ‘ mourning ’ and that time would improve matters .
9 Sitting up with a groan , she saw that she was in a small motor launch , approaching a wall into which a flight of stone steps had been built .
10 Well aware that she was in a public place , she tried to modify her voice ; only then Willis did n't always hear , and she had to try again a good deal louder .
11 It had suddenly borne in upon her that it was almost midnight and that she was in a strange flat in a strange city , with a strange man who was plying her with champagne .
12 The two had a son , Neville , and it was not until after the war years that she was in a position to resume her golfing career .
13 In any other circumstances , Fabia felt that she might have been a trace worried — it was n't every day that she was in a foreign land , with a foreign male who , having fed her , tried his hand at seducing her .
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