Example sentences of "[that] his [adj] [noun sg] was " in BNC.

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1 The other members of staff knew that his apparent simpleness was due to a sad childhood ; he had been brutally beaten by his father and this had resulted in his withdrawing into himself .
2 Lewis was so upset by accusations that he had let his fellow Welshmen win that his immediate reaction was to vow never to play again .
3 He had started at the back of the good book and was perversely working his way towards Genesis , which meant that his eldest daughter was called Revelation Straker ; a young woman as pretty as her name , and as happy as all the other children who grew up under Bonefish 's skinny care .
4 Then Simon had said that his eldest brother was lucky , winner takes all .
5 At this she turned on Karelius a look of such desperate gratitude that his selfish irritation was quite vanquished .
6 A brief discussion pointed out that his principal role was that of liaison between the Commission and the Association of Catholic Headteachers .
7 He later became a freeman of the Salters ' Company , like his father , but it is probable that his chief occupation was as a teacher of mathematics and accounting .
8 Three months later he was seized with chest pain , but because he had been told that his coronary artery was normal he developed an irresistible desire to chop wood .
9 On the other hand , I could find nothing to suggest that his general health was materially affected .
10 The decline was never great , but it has to be judged against the fact that his general image was improving sharply ( Table 8.7 ) .
11 By the time morning came he was convinced he had been wide awake the whole night , though by that time he had remembered with the utmost clarity that the whole performance had taken place not in a television studio at all but in an enormous public lavatory , with Sir William and Lady Paice among the large crowd around the coffee table , and that his final humiliation was to discover at the end of the programme that he had been sitting on one of the lavatory seats throughout , with his trousers down around his ankles .
12 Looking at them he knew at once that his long search was over .
13 The question of married couples came up and one relative expressed shock that his elderly father was being chased for ‘ maintenance ’ — a financial contribution towards the costs six months after his spouse had been admitted to a nursing home .
14 He himself would probably have claimed that his greatest achievement was to be able to predict accurately where and when a particular cuckoo would lay its eggs .
15 King lived in an age when growth rates changed only slowly so that his greatest concern was the possible end of the world !
16 In 1983 he publicly , and embarrassingly , announced that he and Brightman were in love , and that his 12-year-old marriage was over .
17 He had to be able to perform even though already ‘ at this young age he had a realistic approach to his future and with his ‘ banana feet ’ realized that he could not become a danseur noble and that his great interest was in choreography .
18 Halfway down the length of the tunnel a patten caught an advancing man under the chin so that his alarmed cry was cut off short as he was lifted and carried for a distance of several paces before he fell away .
19 She mumbled beneath his mouth when his fingers pressed hard into her firm buttocks , and she felt a hot flame burn where his hand had rested , her mouth , her body , her mind all whirling with the incredible sensation that his unprovoked assault was arousing .
20 The artist … explained that the printer 's contribution in creating the official lithograph was merely mechanical , that his sole contribution was to reproduce the original as closely as possible , and that she had the absolute right of approval of all aspects of the final prints .
21 I want to know why Froggy was so confident that his financial ship was about to dock .
22 Now realising that his gloved hand was touching a wall , he snatched it quickly away in alarm .
23 The BBC film alleged that his Pakistani supplier was Mr Baig .
24 It seems likely that his real mission was to find an escape route for the board , so that it could steer clear of the incident and avoid involving the central state in any direct decision over sex education .
25 The reason for this was that his real name was probably known to the Syrian forces controlling Beirut airport , and certainly to the pro-Syrian Christian Lebanese Forces under Shamir Geagea who controlled the port of Jounieh and had already threatened his life after the NBC broadcast .
26 Once he had ( rightly ) rejected that argument , he treated the matter as one for the unfettered exercise of his discretion , in which W. 's views were merely a relatively unimportant factor , and expressed the view that his real choice was between the conflicting medical views of Dr. M. , the consultant psychiatrist in whose care W. had been for over a year , and Dr. G. , supported in the event by Dr. D. , another consultant psychiatrist with specialist experience in the field of anorexia nervosa .
27 Lewis Carroll possibly knew of this phrase but , because he refers to the grin outlasting the rest of the body , it is more likely that his real influence was the cheese rather than the swordsman .
28 He knew it was dangerous , knew that his only hope was to flush them out .
29 But he said that his only concern was to establish whether Mr Ridley 's decision had been in accordance with the law .
30 This ‘ evidence ’ was never published but he persisted in his belief that his only crime was that he was found out .
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