Example sentences of "[that] they can be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Starting at the top , carefully remove the stones or bricks , and stack them so that they can be replaced in the correct position
2 Kuhn 's paradigms are not so precise that they can be replaced by an explicit set of rules , as was mentioned above .
3 Yet it is damaging to suggest that they can be answered separately from questions about the educational needs of children and young people themselves .
4 Madam Speaker , this announcement is now almost a year delayed the firm of Coopers and Lybrand have been paid one point six million pounds to come up with this ass access charging fiasco , surely this house in entitled to the , as entitled as the press to a full statement of the government 's intentions so that they can be answered by .
5 And if you ca n't wait to taste them , you 'll be pleased to know that they can be defrosted in a microwave !
6 But the images of beauty may be lost and forgotten and a mnemonic is needed so that they can be recalled to the mind easily .
7 Self-contained smoke detectors require routine maintenance such as testing and cleaning , so it is important that they can be reached easily and safely .
8 The principles on which these three kinds of bodies are built are so fundamentally different that it is difficult to believe that they can be related to one another except right at the very roots of the evolutionary tree .
9 He may be naturally drawn towards a discovery of a state which does not depend on time and space for its reality , but the medium of the imperfect world into which he is born means that : Such knowing and feeling , the mystics say , is given in response to a process — an ordering of the drives in human nature so that they can be expressed as love .
10 The Generic Sciences modules have been designed so that they can be integrated into programmes in the individual sciences , providing appropriate science background for vocational programmes in other areas , or be used as general or leisure interest modules .
11 During digestion , enzymes then break these nutrients down so that they can be absorbed through the walls of the digestive tract and enter the bloodstream .
12 The analysis of labour markets is complicated further by the fact that they can be defined by reference to one or more of a number of characteristics .
13 But finds that are deteriorating ( such as iron objects which corrode rapidly in damp conditions ) , that have been preserved by unusual conditions ( such as waterlogged wood or leather which dry out and warp or crumble if left untreated ) , or any others which are fragile may need conservation in a laboratory to prevent further decay and to strengthen them , so that they can be handled and studied .
14 The same effect can be achieved with a small pair of school compasses ( which have the advantage that they can be adjusted to exactly the right size ) , but these are more difficult to use to get an exact line .
15 The BMA has has today urged GP 's to get the message across to youngsters , that they can be consulted in confidence .
16 G.P. 's are now being told to get the message across : that they can be consulted in confidence .
17 In their traditional exhibitionist role women are simultaneously looked at and displayed , with their appearance coded for strong visual and erotic impact so that they can be said to connote to-be-looked-at-ness .
18 These are not merely story-telling , they are attempts to tidy up external reality , attempts to select , order , shape , often to reshape experiences so that they can be understood , coped with , made more bearable , and ego supporting .
19 That surely has been testified to today when the very convenor of the panel on doctrine admits that he does n't want the statements to be too clear so that they can be understood and used by people of radically different persuasions .
20 Their positions and intensities are not affected , so that they can be tracked down .
21 A large set of genes concerned with mimicry in butterflies became tightly linked together on the same chromosome , so tightly that they can be treated as one gene .
22 Not being part of the Chewong social universe , they operate according to different rules but , interestingly , this does not mean that they can be treated in qualitatively different ways — such as be attacked .
23 Both titles will have the artwork on the dust jacket repeated on the cover , so that they can be treated as ordinary paperbacks as preferred .
24 One of the consequences of holding instructions in store locations is that they can be treated as data , and manipulated as such by the computer .
25 Science , as it has developed right across the board since the end of the sixteenth century , has operated with the axiomatic assumption that events in the material world , out there , external to human minds , are governed by regularities which are so coherent and consistent that they can be treated as " natural laws " .
26 Either we may see them as qualifying the properties inherent in the nouns , or we may take the view that lawfulness and distance serve to mark out certain generally recognized subcategories of heirs and cousins ( whereas one can scarcely argue for any generally accepted subcategories of strangers and kids marked out by totality and mereness ) , so that they can be treated as ordinary ascriptive adjectives .
27 All this is distinct from , and does not endanger , the truths that there exist individual properties and relations , and that they can be individuated .
28 The lab developed analytical methods for these compounds , so that they can be detected and quantified should they appear in ground water .
29 Often it is very useful to study your complete set of jobs and arrange the elements of that set in order , so that they can be done better , or more easily than if you did your work in a different order each day .
30 Blooms of certain species of coccolithophores are so vast that they can be seen from space and , as a result , will provide information on global climatic changes .
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