Example sentences of "[that] they do not have " in BNC.

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1 Having appealed against East Herts ' refusal of listed building consent , they withdrew from a public inquiry at a late stage after their intended expert witness informed them that they did not have a strong enough case .
2 Sir : In your interesting article ( 30 September ) about the sale to the British Library by Lord Norwich ( for a sum left tantalisingly undisclosed ) of Evelyn Waugh 's letters to his late mother , Lady Diana Cooper , the library 's curator of modern literary manuscripts , a Ms Brown , was quoted as follows : I am sure that they did not have a physical affair .
3 These included exemptions granted to the new water companies by the DoE , so that they did not have to comply with EC rules .
4 For example , if someone says that they did not have time to read the material and asks for a summary from the author or chairman , politely refuse .
5 Earlier workers failed ; one reason was that they did not have the technology to reach the necessary high temperatures and pressures .
6 The Library Association took legal advice on whether they could take action , but were apparently advised that they did not have the ‘ locus ’ to intervene in this way .
7 Some authorities made a point of saying that they did not have a training programme because they depended on courses that presented themselves , e.g. : ‘ We always hope to send staff on courses as they are advertised ’ .
8 It does not seem possible with the research which their Central Office are regularly doing , and with the continual monitoring of public opinion , that they did not have some idea as to how people would react .
9 It may also have been reassuring to US audiences , while America was being condemned world-wide for its barbaric acts in Vietnam , to see that they did not have the monopoly on violence , which could even be found in an English village .
10 A problem was that they did not have the time to do this ; cells were being charged up and time was running out , every spare moment being needed for preparing and measuring active cells .
11 But as they began to see the possibilities of the data highway , they also realised that they did not have the technical expertise to build the sorts of switched networks necessary to bring it off .
12 In one version of the mental test the prices of items bought were printed on the answer sheet so that they did not have to be memorized : in an alternative version the prices were not printed so that it was necessary both to memorize the numbers and operate on them .
13 After the failure of a ‘ respectable ’ revolution in 1819 the conspiracy fell into the hands of young officers and Masons who used the mysterious procedures of the sect in order to hide the fact that they did not have the ‘ old gang 's ’ financial backing for the reward of wholesale desertion .
14 Women did not qualify for a ‘ family wage ’ since it was assumed ( erroneously in some cases ) that they lived at home with parents or relatives and that they did not have dependants to support financially .
15 The opportunity that they now have is to become independent production companies , an opportunity that they did not have in the last round of licence decisions .
16 Hitherto , police and local authorities thought that they did not have power to deal with it adequately .
17 Too many local authorities used the changeover to milk people of money that they did not have through bills that they could not have anticipated and therefore provided for .
18 In mid-July the Croatian authorities announced that they did not have the resources to cope with any more refugees unless substantial help from abroad was forthcoming .
19 As Professor Landes has pointed out , the tolerance of non-factory employers depended on the fact that they did not have to take the running or fixed costs of machinery into account .
20 The most important common feature among them was that they did not have absolute rights over the land which they farmed , but that they were in some way dependent on a lord , who had a right to some part of their labour or their profits from the land .
21 It is almost impossible to believe that they did not have contemporary events in mind , and as Æthelred was certainly not victorious , the implication is that he was unwise .
22 It does little for the already low standing of politicians in the public esteem for Major to say effectively that they did not have plans to raise taxes then and they only did it because it was necessary .
23 It comes to this : some pits have been given a fighting chance — albeit in a contracting market — that they did not have last year .
24 But Norris has given a further and suggestive explanation : ‘ The possession of a written Constitution whose principles are yet open to all manner of far-reaching judicial review … gives a political edge to questions of textual and interpretative theory that they do not have in the British cultural context . ’
25 For the authorities , it ensures that only a relatively sanitized version of events gets out ; for the authors , it means that they do not have to perjure themselves , and has the additional benefit that the gaps — and consequently the restraints under which they have had to work — are obvious to their readers .
26 Of course , in such cases , rulers tend to have different life-styles from their subjects , but what is at issue is that they do not have a privileged access to property , especially to the means of production , an essential element of Marx 's and Engels 's definition of a class .
27 Japanese officials plead that they do not have the power to carve up the market in this way .
28 ONE advantage for small countries in large empires is that they do not have to think up a defence policy : their armies do what they are told .
29 What is notable about them is not that they are black , but that they do not have dogs .
30 Some commentators get so excited about identifying the stuff with an excretion of insects living on twigs of the tamarisk , that they do not have time for much else .
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