Example sentences of "[that] they [adv] [vb past] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Of particular importance from the Soviet point of view , states of this kind were held to be ‘ objectively anti-imperialist ’ in that they generally opposed the substantial control over their domestic affairs that had traditionally been exercised by the major capitalist powers .
2 The old theory was that they somehow made the web stronger mechanically , a belief reflected in the name stabilimentum .
3 Words such as peto contentus sis seem to have been used so widely that they soon raised no doubts or difficulties of interpretation .
4 One school was so impressed by the children 's positive reactions that they completely revamped the science work in the first two years to include more social and human applications of science .
5 In the discussions with the monks over the qualities of Benedict as Bishop it is stated that they carefully discussed the matter with each other and also with the Archbishop at the Prior 's lodgings and also at Halling .
6 In consequence , months of painful and arduous negotiations had been wasted , largely because of the ignorance or the Bourbon attitude of the Foreign Office who did not bother to find out something on the basis that they already knew every piece of human knowledge that is worth knowing .
7 The villagers of Ramsala , recipients of the Palm Beach dollars , explained to the cameras that they desperately needed a clinic .
8 Gradually as they were arguing they began to realize that they rather liked the American .
9 Such newspapers were to sell over 3 million copies each during the great press battles of the 1920s and 1930s : sales of such magnitude that they easily dwarfed the circulation of the dailies of the late 19th century .
10 Fortunately , there was a small cell of opinion within the Air Ministry that passionately believed they knew the reason for the failure and , more importantly , felt that they also knew the answer .
11 The patrol pounced and grabbed the surprised Germans , only to discover that they also had no water with them .
12 It seems to me that these dreams were not only manifestations of hunger , but that they also evinced a desire to be normal and part of the natural world .
13 Their immediate appeal combined with their inspiring vision of Christian community shows that they also reflected a religious reality in their day .
14 Still , their very size guaranteed that they also contained a very large number and substantial proportion of the middle and lower middle classes — say between 20 and 23 per cent in both London and Paris .
15 Higher social groups appeared to make more use of health services in relation to need however ( Brotherston 1976 ; Forster 1976 ) and research published shortly after the Black Report argued that they also obtained a disproportionate share of NHS resources when ill ( Le Grand 1982 ) .
16 By requiring its practitioners to possess the moral prestige necessary to guide , Indirect Rule seemed to ensure that they also possessed the means whereby , in the absence of any overwhelming display of physical superiority , they could govern .
17 Here and there the line dividing them from the parish clergy may have become blurred , for some chantry certificates claimed , in 1545 , that the cantarist was the only minister available , and generally give the impression that they regularly shared the parish duties .
18 This eye contact unnerved the girl and sent the mother near hysterical , but having decided that they either meant no harm or , alternatively , that they were no good for eating , the orca lost interest and left .
19 That was discovered especially during the South African war , when a number of university graduates were commissioned and sent out to South Africa , and it was found that they singularly lacked an ability to act in an officer capacity .
20 So , certain interests , but only certain interests , came to enjoy a quasi-legal status so that they almost became a part of the state and governing institutions in their own right .
21 I discovered that they virtually ran a bird hospital and I was soon bringing them more casualties and learning a lot of useful things about bird-keeping and care .
22 They could claim that they never had the opportunity to be successful whereas those who filled the top jobs owed their position to their relatives , friends and the advantages of birth .
23 And King Bucar and the other Kings were so greatly dismayed that they never checked the reins till they had ridden into the sea ; and the company of the Cid rode after them , smiting and slaying and giving them no respite ; and they smote down so many that it was marvellous , for the Moors did not turn their heads to defend themselves .
24 The University of Utah team made it clear that they still had a long way to go and would like another year to eighteen months to continue their research before announcing it .
25 There were twenty five thousand , I , I would n't like to see twenty five thousand on that ground again , because I , I used to smoke at the time and we were packed that tight in the ground I could n't even get my hands down to my pockets to get a cigarette out , so the erm after the first few games they started to draw at home and then they seemed to lose the impetus and that they still held a good position in the league , but the following season Liverpool were in the second division at the time , and I , I went to that match and Walsall scored first through Colin and er , they went on to beat us six-one in the end .
26 Oldenburg , a Second Division side from eastern Germany , complained that they still retained the registration of Rusayev .
27 Most radio stations in non-NPN states had already stopped taking the national news from FRCN in Lagos , and so it is probable that they too ignored the event .
28 Whether the boxing and wrestling matches shown on the carved rhyton from Agia Triadha , a miniature fresco from Tylissos and certain sealings were part of the same or a different festival is not known : the way they are depicted suggests that they too had the quality of ritual struggle .
29 The rebels were forced to sue for peace — and they received it , but only on condition that they too took the cross .
30 This assumption means that peoples can be analysed in ways comparable to those used with individuals , for the gulf between individual and group psychology is bridged by the survival of memory traces : ‘ … men have always known ( in this special way ) that they once possessed a primal father and killed him ’ .
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