Example sentences of "[that] they [am/are] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 What we have said we are involved in a process which must involve both governments and all parties , whose objective is agreement among our divided people an agreement which all our traditions must give their allegiance and agreement , and an agreement which must express which which must respect our diversity , now I have kept repeating that statement since we made it and I asked anyone to tell me what they disagree with it , now the loyalist paramilitary some weeks ago said that if the I R A were to k their impression they 've given all along is that they 're just a reaction to the I R A and if the I R A were to stop they would cease immediately , I immediately put out a statement welcoming that statement by them , I also offered to talk directly to them , but they have refused er given the nature of their campaign , particularly at the moment , I begin to wonder do they want the I R A to stop ?
2 We have n't , I think , hitherto seen that they 're really a part of programming .
3 There 's an ecological number sung in typically spacey fashion ‘ The world 's spinning round , like a looney balloon ’ ; there 's an anti-Thatcher song summarising the Prime Minister 's lack of sensitivity in the one charge that she does n't like rock n roll ; and , proving that they are probably the only pop band ready for the single European market , there is an EC tribute : ‘ Down All The Days ( to 1992 ) ’ .
4 Therefore , I can no longer be allowed to escape criticism and analysis of my theistic views on the grounds that they are simply a matter of personal experience .
5 Sometimes experienced practitioners do not read the conditions sufficiently carefully , and assume that they are simply a standard pro forma .
6 But there is a stronger argument against the airlifts , namely that they are simply a way of sidestepping the real issue , which is asserting the writ of the UN humanitarian and peacekeeping effort on the ground .
7 However , recently a spokesman for a well-known oil company claimed that they were really the Davids in this country and that the boot WAS on the other foot' Doubtless , central and local government would also claim that they are simply the servants of the public and not their masters .
8 Noting the claim of central and local government that they are simply the servants of the public and not its masters , the discussion paper for this seminar raises the question of whose values inform policy decisions which affect local communities .
9 And in labelling the former causes ‘ accidents ’ , Plekhanov implies that they are both an unpredictable and a comparatively unimportant part of the explanation of the course of historical events .
10 Imamu and Boo are not similar in the way that they are both the same age or the same colour , but what makes them similar and comparable is that they are both outsiders in society .
11 Do n't be fooled into thinking that the shop assistants are unconcerned about appearances , that they are just a kooky bunch of crazy kids who live hard , play rough and dress casual .
12 The second major characteristic of words is that they are typically the largest units which resist ‘ interruption ’ by the insertion of new material between their constituent parts .
13 It is an important implication of this that they are never a matter of how the things which have them are related to other things .
14 There is more to these pieces than just a virtuosic exterior , though I should add that they are perhaps a great deal more amusing to perform than to listen to ‘ en bloc ’ .
15 The unusual nature of these counter-examples indicates that they are indeed the exceptions which prove the rule , and it is normally reasonable to assume that coins made from the same die were produced at the same time and place .
16 There is some convincing research that they are often no better than if the manager had simply stuck a pin in at random amongst the names of candidates .
17 The striking thing about these units is that they are virtually the same as other single cells that swim by themselves and have separate existences .
18 However , the number of people with fathers in the professional group is relatively small , so that they are still a minority of those who have been in higher education .
19 And the terms of such schemes are so attractive that they are now a real alternative to the traditional method of securing a set of wheels , that of outright purchase .
20 It has also shown that they are only a part of the explanation of Africa 's problems ; a difficult agricultural base , the inequalities of the world trading system , the sometimes exploitative role of multinational companies have also had a major part to play .
21 The rich are not normally inhibited in the defence of their own interests by the knowledge that they are only a small minority of the population .
22 Equally , it has been suggested that it is precisely the growing awareness amongst CMHTs themselves that they are only a partial solution to the problems of inter-professional collaboration which is leading them to specify more precisely their objectives and responsibilities .
23 Then it was discovered that they are only the larvae of a very well known animal .
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