Example sentences of "[that] they [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But Matthew smiled , his teeth white and strong and so sensuous that they sent a shiver up her spine .
2 before they actually suggest to somebody that they sell a house , that they sell a house and moved to a smaller one , they have to be unemployed for quite some time .
3 before they actually suggest to somebody that they sell a house , that they sell a house and moved to a smaller one , they have to be unemployed for quite some time .
4 And he also rejected claims by the policeman and a civilian that they witnessed a soldier being struck by other military personnel to make it appear he had been struck by the car .
5 I hope that they reach a decision sooner than later , a decision to allow the most needy members of our society to join us .
6 This rent in the tribal fabric was torn wider by Dr Elijah White , Superintendent of Indian Affairs , who presented the Nez Perce with a set of rules to govern them , and demanded that they appoint a head chief .
7 It was Peirce who first termed such expressions indexical signs , and argued that they determined a referent by an existential relation between sign and referent ( see Burks , 1949 ) Peirce 's category in fact included rather more than the directly Context-dependent expressions that are now called deictic or indexical , and his particular system of categories has not been put to much effective use in linguistic pragmatics ( but see e.g. Bean , 1978 ) .
8 Pound the garlic , coriander seeds and black pepper in a mortar so that they form a paste .
9 The needle and sample are chosen so that they form a thermocouple : a device that produces a voltage if the point at which the two materials meet is hotter than its surroundings .
10 One view was that they form a kind of virtuous circle of equally basic expressions definable in terms of each other .
11 The importance of these stored finds is that they form a research collection available for study by archaeologists and others , and some are used for travelling and temporary exhibitions , and in teaching collections on loan to schools .
12 Then , with delicate movements of his webbed hind feet , toes distended so that they form a fan , he gathers up the eggs and gently spreads them over the female 's back .
13 Although these activities only relate to a fraction of the total number of UK library authorities , it may be hoped that they foreshadow a revival of interest in an essential and much neglected component of the book provision process .
14 Proposals , submitted through the Co-ordinator , would have to be assessed by the Group to ensure that they met a number of criteria .
15 Aggregate demand shocks ( alterations in the stance of monetary and fiscal policies were increasingly referred to as ‘ shocks ’ ) only affected real variables such as output and employment to the extent that they produced a state of confusion in the minds of agents regarding the behaviour of relative prices .
16 Comprehensively equipped with electric windows ( one touch up and down for the driver ) , central locking power mirrors and so on , the finish reflects the fact that they take a bit of trouble up in Sunderland .
17 One of the problems of deciding how much of a person 's temperament is inherited is due to the fact that babies are usually brought up in an environment of both parents , or at least more than on individual , and that they take a while to grow and show many personality characteristics .
18 Our plea to the Government is that they take a leaf out of their own book on the independent living fund , which was set up in haste and has played a role that it was never meant to play .
19 Conventional wisdom supports the use of drills , substitution tables , and other devices for pattern practice on the grounds that they make a knowledge of language forms habitual .
20 There is no reason why a couple should continue to have sex into old age if they decide together that they do not want to , but it is important that they make a decision rather than lapse into no sex as a result of neglect or unresolved problems .
21 If the answer is ‘ yes ’ , does this mean that they pray every day , that they attend a place of worship , that their morals and/or their life is ruled according to religious precepts — does the respondent think about God all the time , or does he behave in a ‘ godly ’ fashion ? .
22 What they had said was at the end of the war they aimed at a safe and lasting peace , and to obtain that they demanded a setting up of a League of Nations .
23 So angry was he with her that he flung a handful of the stars after her , and they fell to earth with such force that they formed a row of waterholes across the country .
24 It is very probable , however , that they resembled a family of small forest animals unique to the Oriental Region and known to science as the Tupaiidae .
25 erm I think first you have to relate to so many teachers erm as a parent of a secondary school child , and this is obviously a much more complicated procedure and also I think parents , many parents feel that they know a little bit less about what their children are doing at school at the secondary stage , it 's all that little bit more advanced , that little bit more different perhaps from what they had in their own education .
26 Are many of our women politicians the little girls who refused to recognise the unwelcome fact that they lacked a penis and , defiantly rebellious , exaggerated their masculinity … ?
27 We thought it would be a good idea to give them a chance straight off to have an opinion , and we set them a nice problem , which was that they put a marble into something and another marble comes out thirty seconds later .
28 After all , trades councils are the local versions of the T U C , and so it would seem appropriate that they get a say at the T U C Congress itself .
29 So difficult are they , in fact , that the debate usually begins and ends at the level of aphorism , with lots of commentators wringing their hands and saying that something must be done , while doctors , administrators , and others scramble to make sure that they get a bit of the action .
30 Cos you can only use them up to about four I would think cos other , other than that they get a bit too big for them do n't they ? he could do with a little slide in the garden
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