Example sentences of "[that] the [noun] [is] just " in BNC.

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1 The UK and France have always accused each other of malpractice , the UK claiming that the French are the most protectionist country in Europe ; the French say that they are simply more open about it , and that the UK is just as bad .
2 A theatre packed with enthusiasts , including more than 140 critics from all over the West , shows that the company is just as appreciated by the rest of the world , too .
3 He says that the company is just starting to do well .
4 Patrick Forbes is the first to point out that this is not so and that the title is just a brand name , but the confusion still persists .
5 Environmentalists though are worried that the Government is just trying to rush through unpopular projects .
6 ‘ Is it a myth that the Church is just for Sundays ? ’ he had written .
7 If , for instance , poison were used with something , harmless in itself but merely used as a carrier , a primitive would think that the fetich is just as effective in killing as is the poison .
8 This looks as if the intervention is effective but it may be that the child is just responding to rewards rather than learning new behaviour .
9 This is done by inserting a special plastic tube into a limb artery , threading it to the heart and then into an affected coronary artery , manoeuvring it so that the tip is just past the narrowed section .
10 A third possibility that should not be overlooked is that the stereotype is just a stereotype and has no real correlate in women 's behaviour .
11 Undertaking an obligation to obey the law is an appropriate means of expressing identification with society , because it is a form of supporting social institutions , because it conveys a willingness to share in the common ways established in that society as expressed by its institutions , and because it expresses confidence in the reasonableness and good judgment of the government through one 's willingness to take it on trust , as it were , that the law is just and that it should be complied with .
12 Ungermann says that all of its future products will support Virtual Network Architecture , and that the DragonSwitch is just the first product in a family named after the mythical reptile .
13 Mr Bangemann delivered a damning speech in Berlin in which he declared that the treaty is just a staging post on the road to a European superstate .
14 If I have a gripe with Hartke , it 's that the reproduction is just a little too clear ; missed , fluffed and dissonant notes are all too easily discernible .
15 THE Bank of England last night sank lingering Tory hopes that the recovery is just round the corner .
16 In the libraries of schools and higher education , user education may be justified by the fact that the library is just one department within an educational institution and thus user education is just one part of the educational process .
17 SIX OF the seven top economic advisers to the Government have given warning against tax increases in the Budget next month , saying that the economy is just too fragile to sustain them .
18 SIX OF the seven top economics advisers to the Government have cautioned against tax increases in the Budget next month , saying that the economy is just too fragile to sustain them .
19 And it 's certainly not available in sufficient detail for for all of the sectors to make a fair comparison and I think Mr has made this point in in when you 've questioned him a number of times today that the information is just not available or to hand to make to make that comparison .
20 What is more , the experimental results that have been taken to demonstrate that retrieval plays a part in latent inhibition can not demonstrate this failure to be the sole source of the effect — these experiments show that a CS-US association is indeed formed after latent inhibition training and can be revealed if the conditions of testing are appropriate ; they do not show convincingly that the association is just as strong as that formed in subjects given no pre-exposure to the target stimulus .
21 It might be objected that the doubleness is just a trick of Porfiry 's .
22 I suggest that the impact is just as forceful for older children .
23 The clock on the wall , an irritating type with no numbers on its face , suggests that the time is just before half-past eight .
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