Example sentences of "[that] the [noun] [pers pn] have " in BNC.

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1 His coming displayed no jot of his inner feelings , though his heart sank at the array of knee breeches and crinolines , and at last it occurred to him that the lunatics he had met upstairs were in Dickensian dress .
2 Siemens Nixdorf Informationssystemes AG last week added its endorsement to the list of vendors pledging X/Open XPG4 conformance , promising that the systems it has that are now XPG3 will be XPG4 by the end of the year : some of its software products are already XPG4 branded .
3 The notion that the price they have paid for their popularity is to live their lives under an insufferable glare of publicity is one of the great fictions of the middle class .
4 ‘ And I want you to know that the decision I have made has been mine and mine alone .
5 We believe that the assumptions we have made are reasonable and that the picture we paint is a valid one .
6 At the time he had assumed that she had simply contacted the address on some pretext and discovered that he had n't been there , but it was only later , when the argument had blown over , that he remembered that the address he had given his mother had been vacant .
7 It was clear that the responses they had given to the respective campaign teams were not necessarily accurate .
8 It so happened that the firm I had been working for ( manufacturers of rubber-coats , ground-sheets , etc. ) had closed down the Glasgow Office and factory , and I was without work .
9 Because she had been fond of Simon in a sisterly way — as a much older sister — she had always taken it for granted that the affection he had shown her in return had been brotherly , with maybe a spot of heroine worship thrown in .
10 I do n't think that 's strictly true but I do think that the discussion we 've heard so far er has fully justified erm the the raising of some fundamental questions about the the the the method of projections .
11 The first is that the recession they have caused and which so nearly ditched them will not go away automatically .
12 It was simply too demeaning to believe that the experience we had shared had been dependent on such things as the amount of booze Dennis put away that lunchtime .
13 As happens in any new venture , I discovered that the hours I had to put in at the beginning seemed to outnumber those available in any day .
14 I should be grateful if you would confirm that the changes I have marked are the only ones necessary .
15 The first was that the time-shock I had suffered was inducing some highly life-like illusions .
16 But despite the imperfection of the mental process by which the belief is arrived at it may still be " honest " " , that is , a positive belief that the conclusions they have reached are true .
17 By this he means that the principle he had known as dominant in his life was the principle of sin and the death to which it inevitably led .
18 Conference , if you think back to all those times that you have sat at home watching the news after a day 's work like I have , and listen carefully to what is being said , you may well have been horrified and saddened to hear the many stories appertaining to people who have had accidents or died due to the fact that the machine they have been driving has been too powerful .
19 I can only suggest that the feathers you had gained for your hat , or your head , during your 10 months in America , should be collected then stuck up your tochas .
20 Chris explained with rapidly diminishing patience that some of the Argentinian officers had received their training at Sandhurst ; his brother had served in the Scots Guards on Mount Tumbledown and had said that the Argentinians they had confronted there had been good , professional soldiers .
21 The Poles of the Congress Kingdom were not broken , for even Paskevich admitted in 1850 that the calm he had established merely reflected their " awareness of their powerlessness and their conviction of the incontestable might of your Imperial Highness " .
22 But the fact that several critics began to challenge them as early as 1924 demonstrates that the campaign she had initiated in 1923 met with some success .
23 Good relations with creative people are also essential , for you may have to advise the art director that the transparency he has chosen wo n't reproduce too well .
24 However , there seems to be more to the formation of a child 's personality at birth than these two viewpoints — that we are either born as a blank sheet or that the formation we have is via our mother , and begins prior to our birth .
25 My resolve not to go back into education hardened , if anything , rather than softened , as I became more and more determined that the sacrifice I had made was not going to be in vain .
26 First of all , he 's got a general election coming up and we do n't know what its result 's going to be and it may disappoint him , he may find that the Parliament he has to work with is not going to be of the same cast of mind as himself .
27 I had to keep reminding myself that the plans we 'd had were n't just a dream and that he had loved me .
28 Accordingly , at the time of the accident the deceased was a lawful visitor on the premises , since the brewery had not given the deceased any indication that the permission they had given him to be on the premises expired at 10.30 p.m .
29 On the one hand , Franco reiterated his belief that the common enemy was communism while , on the other , he insisted that the system he had instituted in Spain was neither Nazi nor fascist , but a unique and original synthesis which transcended both fascism and anti-fascism .
30 But it may be that the things they have been through these past few hundred years have exaggerated some of their original characteristics .
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