Example sentences of "[that] the [noun pl] [verb] are " in BNC.

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1 There is little doubt , in the view of even the most conservative members of the medical establishment , that the cause of large bowel cancer is environmental and that the factors involved are related to economic development .
2 Provided that the panel is selected on a random basis in the first place , we can be sure that the changes identified are real changes in the group and , within a given limit of reliability , in the population as well .
3 If lesion A affects function X but not function Y while lesion B affects function Y but not function N , it is reasonable to assume that the effects observed are specific to the loci of lesions A and B rather than to the general effects of brain damage .
4 It is worth noting , however , that the offences listed are either in deliberate defiance of God 's holy law , or offences against people — not property .
5 They give us an immediate apprehension of form , albeit with a residual sense that the forms apprehended are illusory .
6 Dioxins are also suspected to migrate into drinks made with chlorine-bleached coffee filter papers and tea bags , although MAFF states that the amounts extracted are very low and do not present a significant danger .
7 Proof should be provided at regular intervals that the amounts insured are adequate , by presentation of the policy and proof that premiums have been paid .
8 Doors leading directly from a lean-to garage to the house must meet the Building Regulations requirements concerning fire spread : if you plan such an installation , notify your supplier and confirm with the Building Inspector that the provisions made are satisfactory .
9 They also correctly point to the desirability of complementing educational efforts with other health promotion measures , implying that the interventions appraised are too little .
10 Most employers also take the precaution of stating that the illustrations given are not exhaustive .
11 It is common ground that it is a prerequisite of the notice that the documents sought are such as the bank ‘ may reasonably require for the performance of its functions under this Act . ’
12 It is absolutely vital for the tenant to ensure that the premises are correctly described in the lease and that the rights granted are sufficient for the tenant to carry on its business and the exceptions and reservations do not adversely affect the premises or the business .
13 A report generator solves the problem of information management provided that the records stored are up to date .
14 a single prostitute who provides services in private premises to one client at a time without spectators is guilty of the common law offence of keeping a disorderly house if it is proved that the services provided are of such a character and are conducted in such a manner … that their provision amounts to an outrage of public decency or is otherwise calculated to harm the public interest to such an extent as to call for condemnation and punishment .
15 It is imperative that the services provided are cost efficient and of the highest quality .
16 It is understood that no specific target date has been identified for completion of the Heywood link , but a spokesperson for the borough planning department which was instrumental in obtaining funding for the project , pointed out that the grants negotiated are available for the next three years during which time the majority of restoration work must be completed .
17 A nationwide study has revealed that the managers surveyed are of those Managers nearly 80% do n't take the holiday their entitled to .
18 The judge in making an award of damages will know that a payment into court has been made , but will not know in what sum and so can not ensure that the damages awarded are high enough to beat the payment into court , if minded to make an award similar to that which the defendant has offered .
19 If we regard our guide as simply looking for advice as to what moral rules are correct , unrelated to a particular decision which he is called upon to make or to a particular situation in which he is involved then it will be impartiality of the first and last types which are particularly relevant : that is , the formal requirement that legislation is to be universalised , and the material requirement that the decisions made are based on a consideration of all relevant factors .
20 Although patients need to be protected from risk , we must be sure that the precautions taken are justified and that social support networks that have taken years to develop are not unnecessarily shattered .
21 It should be stressed that the figures given are for manufactures only and do not include exports of primary products or raw materials .
22 We emphasise that the figures quoted are not in any way critical .
23 Payment of the mortgage allowance will be through the normal salaries system on a monthly/four-weekly basis and will be non-taxable , provided that the Inland Revenue is satisfied that the payments made are reasonable in amount .
24 Notice that the prices quoted are the rough cost of buying a new item and £700 is what you would have to pay extra to create a whole new second machine .
25 In particular , it is no evidence that the correct quantity or number of goods has been delivered or that the goods delivered are in good condition or of the correct quality .
26 I agree with the Secretary of State that the matters involved are highly technical and that the Hydrotechnica report deals with matters that have been at the heart of the controversy .
27 It is not surprising that the work is therefore based on a critique of idealism and that the concepts used are rather more ‘ idealist ’ than those Marx uses in his later work .
28 ‘ We felt it was important to try and make the programme last longer this time around so that the friendships made are n't lost . ’
29 You will find that the methods involved are complex and sophisticated , yet they are possessed ( and require to be possessed ) by pretty nearly everyone . ’
30 The Partnership will have to ensure that the jobs offered are " added-value " jobs .
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